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This could go either way ...

Post 121

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I read the article, BG.

We could come to grief because of volcanoes elsewhere.

This could go either way ...

Post 122

Baron Grim

I was about to reply that there are no volcanoes here in Texas (a vast area) but that wouldn't be strictly true. There are no ACTIVE volcanoes in Texas. After a quick google, I find that there are around 200 volcanoes in Texas including one, Pilot Knob, not far from San Antonio and Austin. smiley - bigeyes

This could go either way ...

Post 123

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

I read it. And now I'm more concerned about Mount St. Helens smiley - winkeye

This could go either way ...

Post 124

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

The east coast of the U.S. has only one volcano


I'm not worried.

This could go either way ...

Post 125

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Correction: I should of course have written that I am now ignoring the threat from Mount St. Helens more than Yellowstone smiley - winkeye

This could go either way ...

Post 126

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

These European volcanoes are closer to you than Mount Saint Helens, Pierce/Pierre


This could go either way ...

Post 127

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Tell me about it! 11 years ago the Icelandic volcano under Eyjafjallajökull (pronounced more or less like it is spelled) delayed my flight to Shirley Ann on Lanzarote six months!

I wasn't the only one of course. Most air traffic over Europe came to an absolute standstill for many weeks because it was feared that the fine airborne ash from the volcano would destroy the planes' engines and make them fall from the skies.

But just like Covid-19 it did wonders for the climate

This could go either way ...

Post 128

Baron Grim

Yep, still can't pronounce that 11 years later. smiley - laugh

Speaking of unpronounceable, have you heard of those COVID therapies that actually work. I worked in a pharmacy when I was a kid, and here in the States we moronically have TV adverts for prescription drugs, so I'm very used to the bizarre nomenclature for pharmaceuticals, but "bamlanivimab" and "casirivimab"!? What kind of language is that? It doesn't exactly roll off the tongue as much as mug it on the way out.

Just now it occurs to me that the ending "MAB" is acronymish for Monoclonal AntiBody. But no word should end in "mab" if you want to be taken seriously. This will make doctors sound like they're purposely mumbling what they want to stick in you.

"What was that, Doctor?"
"Oh, Black Betty Bambalamnivimab!"

This could go either way ...

Post 129

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

smiley - laugh I agree! smiley - ok

This could go either way ...

Post 130

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

The City of Boston sent people to my trailer park today to vaccinate anyone who showed up wanting it. Dozens came.

This could go either way ...

Post 131

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Good to hear smiley - ok

This could go either way ...

Post 132

Baron Grim

Apparently all my coworkers (even the ones teleworking) but one, the youngest, has gotten at least one dose. And it looks like she will be getting one a limited supply of doses through work next week.

This could go either way ...

Post 133

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

- - -
"War does not determine who is right - only who is left."
- - -
"Talent is about how good you are at using what little you have."
- - -
"Raise your children - or don't. They will regret both."
- - -
"Talk sense to a fool and he will call you foolish." - Euripides
- - -
"Tell me your address - and I will tell you where you live"
- - -
"The quality of advice anyone has to offer has to be judged against the quality of life they actually lead" [Douglas Noel Adams]

This could go either way ...

Post 134

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Create you own asylum: Turn your socks inside out. That way the whole world is wearing your socks. Except you.
Next put on your headphones and listen to some good music with your eyes closed.
You can thank me later smiley - smiley

This could go either way ...

Post 135

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Some fans knitted together bits and pieces of a lot of footage and created this story of Pink Floyd.

I recommend it


This could go either way ...

Post 136

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I'm not enough of a fan to spend 1:29 hours watching. Sorry.

This could go either way ...

Post 137

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

That's okay. More for the rest of us smiley - silly

This could go either way ...

Post 138

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Meanwhile, I'm watching "Breakfast at Tiffany's.

Mickey Rooney's portrayal of a Japanese man is groanworthy.

This could go either way ...

Post 139

Baron Grim

It was groanworthy even when the film was first released, even more so than Eli Wallach's portrayal of Mexicans in _The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly_ and _The Magnificent Seven_.

See also David Carradine in Kung Fu, John Wayne in as Ghengis Khan in _The Conqueror_, Laurence Olivier as Othello, Johnny Depp in _The Lone Ranger_, Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra, & Boris Karloff as Fu Manchu.

This could go either way ...

Post 140

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

John Wayne was good as a bunny, though


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