A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6361

A Super Furry Animal

Sounds delicious, Dave

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6362

badger party tony party green party

Wow De ja vue (cant spell in English, so I dont stand a chance with french) this thread looks just like the Sadam/Bush thread except with some mildly diverting stuff about food.

Baltis are fried. There is no real problem with any food what we in the west suffere from is a hangover from austerity. When food was scarce, work was harder and we travel about so much in cars peole ate all they could to keep going. Now we have more and subsequently cheaper supplies of food. Despite the fact that we already have low fight fruit available we still see high fat foods as opur best source of energy even though work is easier and we walk less. The whole of the western world is getting fatter.

Baltis arent boiled or friedsmiley - huh Well there not boiled certainly, but if you stick a load of dairy fat into something and then make it very hot that is frying even if it is called another name in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Anyway for the benefit of those not on the Sadam/Bush thread.

We are still struggling to grasp the point that we can argue all we like about whose farts stink the worst while none of us thinks about changing our diet or opening the window I see.

All these posts and nothing achieved.

Bush is bad. Is he the worst? I dont care. Who will he attack next? See previous answer.

Should we think about how we spend our money and cast our votes to try and make an impression on those who are pushing for all this insidious warmongering and capitalist rape of other countries?

Damn right but I guess hanging around here slinging insults is so much easier.

Afterall as someone posted a few days back. People are going to die one day anyhow. It may aswell be of ignorance about AIDS, an infection in a wound caused by left over munitions, dirty water or lack of food as anything else. The people who die of these causes do it very far away while we get chest conditions, firred up arteries, run over by fast shiny cars and shoot each other because we cant think of any other solutions but violence.

Anyway goodbye.

smiley - rainbow

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6363


Empty, I think you got the timing wrong. I said I had a shrine (with pictures) to you all over my bedroom a couple days ago, not recently.

BTW, the real posts were:

"I am a tedious, SMALL twit and I AM ENVIOUS of Empty Sky."

"I worship AT MY SHRINE TO Empty Sky and if I lived in the same city, I would DATE him."

"I have LOTS OF pictures of Empty Sky all over my bedroom walls."

Everyone can now be the judge how accurate these statements are, and decide for themselves.


What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6364


Blickybadger: Here's an onion headline you'll like:

"World Death Rate Holding Steady at 100%"



What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6365

Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.)

So you don't think "a couple of days ago" is "recently".

You really do live in your own little world.

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6366


Come on Empty, give me a kiss. Smoochie Smoochie smoo! smiley - kiss


What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6367

A Super Furry Animal

Well, Dave, don't believe everything you read in the papers. The world death rate is never exactly 100%, it varies between 99.98% and 100.02%

This takes account of (i) people being buried alive, (ii) people being dead but no-one's noticed yet.

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6368


Well, the onion is "America's Finest News Source". And if it's good enough for the chinese government, it's good enough for me!


What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6369

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

but is it a fair and ballanced news source?

And yes, I meant deep fat fried, and definately without batter. Also I make 'fried bread' without frying it, I butter it and cook it under the grill, so it's probably actually roast bread, in the same way as roast potatoes are, umm, roast potatoes.

smiley - cheers

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6370

A Super Furry Animal

>> Also I make 'fried bread' without frying it <<

I venture to suggest you're not making fried bread, then.

I make boiled eggs by boiling them in oil. Without their shells.

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6371

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

yeah, hence the ' on either side as it look's like fried bread, and it tastes like fried bread.

back to what's wrong with Americans, they make cars faster by sticking a bigger engine in, when any european or asian will tell you that tuning the existing engine is better as it helps to keep the wieght down. Also the fact that Harley-Davidson still exist and Indian died out. The one bike I really really want is a Big Chief.

Umm that's all I can think of, other than Karl Rove, Rummey, cheney, Ass-croft, or is it Ash-hole I forget, and bush, that I can think of whih doesn't affect at least one other westernised nation.

smiley - cheers


Post 6372

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Oh no, I want to call my good friend Ralph on the great white telephone.

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6373

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

I knew that about the White House, because my (British) father told us, when we were children...smiley - biggrin

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6374

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

smiley - erm I feel bound to point out that the deep-friend Mars bars is Scottish (along with porridge, and turnips as eaten by people...) Och aye the noo!

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6375

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Er, on that basis, I wouldn't...

What's wrong with Americans?

Post 6376


empty sky said: "JD, I have neither the time nor inclination to read your autobiography. But in post 6280 you banged on about risk takers as if they're somehow noble and admirable. Mostly they're simply irresponsible."

smiley - grr What IS your problem with me? I couldn't agree more with your last statement there. In fact, I lamented the very facy myself in the post that you refer to, the one which you erroneously getting the impression that I "banged on about risk takers as if they're somehow noble and admirable." That's post 6280, and to save time I've quoted myself here:

"In the end, it is part of human nature to gamble, to take risks. We, as a race, have valued the ability of those who take risks and *succeed* more than we have the those who exhibit the ability to recognize risks and avoid them. It is only when the we lose the bet, so to speak, and the consequences of that risk make us pay that we seek to press blame. Perhaps an odd characteristic when one considers evolution theory and how beings inheret certain traits for success. It would seem logical that the more useful trait is to avoid risks, but if one takes the risk and succeeds, one usually has the benefit of a big payoff in doing so. As they say, it's hard to argue with success. Would that we were not so enamored with such success. smiley - erm"

See what I meant now? I'm not happy about such a trait in our civilization; I simply pointed out that such a trait seems to exist (nothing more than an observation, really) and lament its existence. I see no "banging on" about how great the trait is.

I suggest you try to read what I write a little more carefully before you make any more assumptions about me. I haven't, as you say, written an autobiography yet, but if I ever do, I'm sure I can count on you not catching any spelling or accuracy errors in it; in fact, I might write one just to annoy and slander you. (That's a joking jab, by the way, I don't *really* intend to slander anyone. But just in case, I thought I'd clarify that. It seems I must spell out everything I say to you very clearly)

- JD smiley - bruised (returning to lurk mode)

What's wrong with Americans?

Post 6377

Baron Grim

Ok... Here's a little dish I concocted when I was a younger lad that was unapologetically bad for me. It was also unapologetically Southern US. I actually called it a 'cholesterol sandwich'. (Great for those that like fatty foods with their smiley - hangover hangovers.)

It's basically a grilled cheese sandwich with ham covered in pork chop gravy. smiley - drool

So, let's break it down...

White bread- no nutritional value I know of unless it's 'fortified' bread, aka white bread with vitamins put back in which were removed when the wheat was bleached. Also very high in carbs which will turn into fat.

Lots of butter or margarine- That's gotta be good for you.

'American' sliced cheese- Kraft has to stress in its advertisements for this product that it actually uses milk to make the stuff.

Luncheon sliced ham- nice and greasy

And last but not least Pork Chop Gravy!... with lots of 'drippings' in it. Yumsmiley - drool

I can feel my arteries harden just thinking about it.

Now of course, this is off my diet now. Back when I made these I was (Believe it or not) underweight. I was an active young man and never worried about diet or excersize. I wasn't athletic, I just rode my bike, walked, ran around with friends, typical stuff you do at Uni.

I miss those days.smiley - wah

Ok... Carry on with the vitriol.

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6378


Most people in the US know that story about the white house...you are quite badly mistaken if you think you're privy to some secret that the US is collectively keeping suppresed. It's the story of how we got our national anthem, after all. We all know we lost the war of 1812, except Saturnine of course. We were a "wealth of power" back then.


What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6379

Hi, I'm Tom. I started as a typographical error


I like to blame the Internet for that. Eventually, *all* of us will live in our own little worlds. Worse, none of us will care. smiley - erm

What's Wrong With Americans

Post 6380


Shut up Dave. Between you and Empty Sky, there is a real struggle for some decent thread conversation going on.

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