A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Seagull-resistant dogs?

Post 1


In the news, a small dog has been pecked to death by a seagull. We are thinking of getting a dog, and are plagued by seagulls, so what would be minimum size of dog which could withstand a seagull peck to the cranium? It was a fractured skull and resultant brain damage which did for the poor dog, it being a Westie.

Seagull-resistant dogs?

Post 2


Don't fight nature. Adopt a seagull.

Seagull-resistant dogs?

Post 3


Anti-seagull kits for dogs - http://justinbeth.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/doggie-helmet.jpg

Seagull-resistant dogs?

Post 4


The gull just landed a lucky hit its not common enough to worry about.

The secret is don't let it chase seagulls particularly at nesting time. Anything perceived as a threat will be harshly dealt with. Black back gulls are very dangerous they will even take (in flight) down smaller gulls and eat them. They are hunting birds after all.

The bigger the dog the more gulls will go for it so big dogs are not the answer People are now falling victim to gulls.

A thick coat is better protection than a thick head don't go for a short hair breed.

Seagull-resistant dogs?

Post 5


Was it chasing gulls very probably

Seagull-resistant dogs?

Post 6


Another strategy could be to get a small white dog and then dress it up to look like a gull. They wont attack one of their own.

Seagull-resistant dogs?

Post 7


Yes they would, they're cannibalistic.

Seagull-resistant dogs?

Post 8


If a seagull eats your dog, well, just grin and bear it. And I say that as a dog owner and a dog lover.

One of those responsibilities which come with owning a dog is keeping an eye on it to make sure that it doesn't get hit by a car, run away, dig up the neighbours' garden, etc. - Or, indeed, get killed by a gull, but I suspect that being killed by a gull is a lot less frequent than being killed by a car.

Sometimes, maybe you won't be able to prevent it. But that's the way life is: lots of animals eat other animals. It's why our dogs eat meat. smiley - shrug

Seagull-resistant dogs?

Post 9


Now David Cameron had become involvedsmiley - erm

Seagull-resistant dogs?

Post 10

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

Don't just grin and bear it. Take vengeance!

smiley - pirate

Seagull-resistant dogs?

Post 11


Typical, the thing's dead and along comes a Tory to kick it.

Seagull-resistant dogs?

Post 12


Frankly, sod the pet dog. Pet dogs are two a penny and are bred to order. Herring gulls are a species in decline. I'm with the gulls!

Seagull-resistant dogs?

Post 13

Baron Grim

Here's a good thing to keep in mind. If something happens so rarely that it makes the news when it does happen, you probably don't have to worry about it happening to you.

"Dog gets hit by car" never makes the news. That's something you should worry about.

Seagull-resistant dogs?

Post 14

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

All life has intrinsic value that's greater than some stupid price tag. Dogs, in particular, are family. If some seagull kills a member of my family, I'm going to kill that seagull.

Then I'll cook it, I'll eat it, and I'll put its bones on display as a warning to the other seagulls.


That being said, I'm actually quite fond of seagulls. I miss them.

smiley - pirate

Seagull-resistant dogs?

Post 15

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

Not overly fond of tiny dogs. Prefer bigger dogs. The kind that need not be afraid of some puny seagull.

smiley - pirate

Seagull-resistant dogs?

Post 16

Baron Grim

I know from experience that chihuahuas are fearless. They will attack rotweilers and pibbles, even after having been nearly killed in previous fights.

Yep, chihuahuas are fearless...

Or just very stupid.

Seagull-resistant dogs?

Post 17

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

I'm goin' with stupid.

smiley - pirate

Seagull-resistant dogs?

Post 18


>>If something happens so rarely that it makes the news when it does happen, you probably don't have to worry about it happening to you.

That only applies to a steady state problem, not to one that's on the increase. To take an extreme example*, I dare say flu had rarely been in the news during the First World War, but you certainly had cause to worry when it hit the headlines.

*I realise seagulls will never be as serious as flu.

Seagull-resistant dogs?

Post 19


Gulls do an excellent job of clearing up the food waste discarded by the filthy holiday makers.

Seagull-resistant dogs?

Post 20


"All life has intrinsic value that's greater than some stupid price tag."

I'd agree with that, and it's exactly why I'd come down on the side of the gulls. The reason people are upset about the pet dog is because it's "private property", ie, it had "some stupid price tag", in your words, attached to it. Gulls, they don't think are so important because they are just wild animals - just 'stuff' you can do what you like with.

The elephant in the room that nobody mentions, of course, is that the reason gulls are becoming more common in towns and cities is that people leave so much litter and fast food waste lying around on the streets. We've only ourselves to blame.

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