A Conversation for Ask h2g2


Post 1


Every time I finally manage to find the time to come back for a pleasant stroll through h2g2, what I instead find is more and more stuff broken. Adding sleek, new funstuff should never break what has been there all along. The time available to me for these strolls is far too limited as it is to spend it all searching for and fixing things that never should have broken in the first place.



Post 2


I dont understand the concept of 'broken' in the context of conversations on a web page. i am only new to h2g2 however and would love it if someone could explain it to me????.....


Post 3


I was referring to the mechanisms behind the web pages. smiley - smiley


Welcome to h2g2. smiley - winkeye

*sigh* - bringing it back from the dead

Post 4


I found this in the disgarded heap, lets reanimate it with life and possibly discuss peoples sexual history to get it going then some political conversations will get some support going!

*sigh* - bringing it back from the dead

Post 5

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

My sexual history?
smiley - yikes
How long have you got?

*sigh* - bringing it back from the dead

Post 6


my sexual history would get moderated out of all existence smiley - winkeye

how about the great sugar v's salt on fresh toast (or eggy bread if you perfer) debate

i vote sugar!

*sigh* - bringing it back from the dead

Post 7


salt and brown sauce any day!

*sigh* - bringing it back from the dead

Post 8


brown sauce smiley - yikes .... ya freak! smiley - smiley

*sigh* - bringing it back from the dead

Post 9


Marmalade on fried bread, wonderful!

*sigh* - bringing it back from the dead

Post 10


Hmm.. That would be classified under 'Ancient History', wouldn't it? smiley - devil

smiley - starConsiders starting the "RCV" club... ReCycled Virgins, that is. smiley - angel

smiley - rose

*sigh* - bringing it back from the dead

Post 11

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

ReCycled Virgins.....yes, I'd join that....smiley - tongueout

My daughter's favourite snack is brown sauce sandwiches.

smiley - ill

*sigh* - bringing it back from the dead

Post 12

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine


Sugar goes, every time. What kind of person puts salt on it? Eeeee... smiley - winkeye

*sigh* - bringing it back from the dead

Post 13

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

salsa dip and cheese

*sigh* - bringing it back from the dead

Post 14


My plan worked!!!

(Ode to joy)

*sigh* - bringing it back from the dead

Post 15


smiley - whistle

*sigh* - bringing it back from the dead

Post 16


Keep on replying guys, this could be better than the conversation Useless Informtion. Deaths to good for some people!

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