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Has anyone ever had a root canal??

Post 1

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

Here's my problem........

I've got this tooth, it needs either a root canal, or if i decide i don't want to suffer with a drill in my mouth for 45 minutes I can have the tooth removed.
I've been told by the dentist that extracting the tooth only takes 15 minutes & is less painful.
So what do i do?
Has anyone out there ever had a root canal?
Do they really hurt or is there just pain afterwards?
Does having a tooth out hurt??
All replies/messages of sympathy/good luck/goodbye?? are grateful!smiley - wah

Has anyone ever had a root canal??

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

I had a root canal treatment done twice. Each time it took 90 minutes for the hollowing out of the tooth and a separate session of 90 minutes to fill the tooth and build it back up to a useful state. It was extremely uncomfortable sitting there for 90 minutes with my mouth open, but they used a stretchable plastic cover so that there were no bits of tooth, blood or anything else flying around my mouth during the operation. It didn't hurt at all.

I've never had a tooth out.

I think it was well worth it, as I still have and use those two teeth. I'd hate to be without them.

Has anyone ever had a root canal??

Post 3


I had four teeth out (adult ones) for a brace last year. Ok so it didnt hurt but It was scary to hear a crunching sound as the dentist pulled it out wiv the plyers. And then you cant feel that side of your mouth for about two hours afterwards.

Having said that it only took bout 15 minutes, and compared to 90 mins, I would much prefer that.

It depends which tooth it is you havin out... If its one you can live without go for it!

smiley - choc calms your nerves tho...

Has anyone ever had a root canal??

Post 4

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

Did it hurt afterwards??

Has anyone ever had a root canal??

Post 5


Yes - I had a root canal about 2 years ago. It's bearable, not particularly painful, and definitely worth it overall. The worst thing about it is it's length and the fact that at least 2, if not 3 sessions with the dentist are required. I had one tooth removed by a dentist 15 years ago, and every time I smile the evidence of it stares me in the face. Short term pain for long term gain.

Has anyone ever had a root canal??

Post 6

fords - number 1 all over heaven

A friend of mine is a dental nurse and when I was faced with the choice she told me to go for the extraction smiley - smiley

Has anyone ever had a root canal??

Post 7


You just feel all gummy. When the numbness goes it hurts a bit but not that much. If it keeps bleedin u bite on a cold tea bag - mingin but a miracle!!!

Has anyone ever had a root canal??

Post 8


Both procedures hurt afterwards, but a good dose of paracetamol or aspirin usually does the trick.

Has anyone ever had a root canal??

Post 9

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

I went to the dentist on Monday & had 2 fillings which were traumatic enough. I swear i sweated that much i thought i'd wet myself because my pants felt damp.smiley - laugh I can laugh now but i really was a nervous wreck.
The tooth won't really be visible if it is removed & i am a big wimp when it comes to pain.

Has anyone ever had a root canal??

Post 10


I once had a tooth pulled, treated outside my mouth (it was in BAD shape!!!), and then PUT BACK in. I felt wobbly for about two days after that - the ammount of anaesthetics was enourmous, plus the pain killers I took all the next day. The doctor said that the re-inserted tooth might last half a year, or two years, or maybe longer. That business was 15 years ago, and that tooth is still with me, never caused my any trouble again...


Has anyone ever had a root canal??

Post 11

fords - number 1 all over heaven

The tooth I got out is up the back too smiley - smiley

If you catch a tooth quick enough it'll be happy to go back into your gum. I remember those posters at the school dentist's which had a wee girl putting her knocked out tooth in milk as this helps, apparently smiley - smiley

Has anyone ever had a root canal??

Post 12

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

smiley - yikes
I should probably say that the said tooth is a bit infected, so extraction might be the best option.

Has anyone ever had a root canal??

Post 13

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I'd get it pulled if I were you, but I'm just a coward smiley - winkeye

Has anyone ever had a root canal??

Post 14


neither root canal or extraction hurt a jot even after..ive been caught eatng crisps an hour after a big extractionsmiley - laugh

Has anyone ever had a root canal??

Post 15


Had root canal and a tooth pulled. Root canal took longer, but was less painful afterwards (and during, but that was because the anaesthetic was wearing off by the time the tooth was pulled.) There was less blood for the root canal (or maybe it was all sucked up) whereas I had cotten wool in my mouth for half a day with the extraction, and it was tender for a couple of days after - whereas the root canal was OK the next morning. Until later...
BCNU - Crescent

Has anyone ever had a root canal??

Post 16

Gnomon - time to move on

I had one of my root canals done without anasesthetic and without pain - the infection had killed the nerve, apparently.

Has anyone ever had a root canal??

Post 17


it is infected and they are offering extraction? I thought that was a no-no due to possibility of blood poisoning?
Still, me not a dentist!

I had root canal done, but it hurt not at all since the root was dead (hence need for root canal!).

I have had quite a few teeth out and can definitly state that the least painful *at the time* is to loose three front teeth in a head on car crash. Practically instantaneous, but they do make a hell of a fuss and insist on taking you to hospital. And there is a lot of bruising and scrapes and so forth. On the plus side, providing it isn't your fault, you get enough in compensation to be able to afford getting the work done private.

However, I also had several other teeth out due to the havoc this wreaked, and I can tell you that having a tooth out depends muchly on your dentist. Mine didn't hurt, but the shock to my body was quite significant. It really was the most odd feeling as I hadn;t felt the tooth itself due to anaesthetic. Very odd and not a little scary at the time.

But the real issue should be your teeth and their future appearance (if that matters to you) and health.
If you have a tooth out, you will need some form of replacement. These do not last forever (10 - 15 yrs I think depending) and they aren't that cheap (depend on which particular variety you go for).

As my dentist put it, there is nothing as good as your real teeth. Even if it looses the nerve (like mine has) it can still be a good solid healthy tooth.

Personally, I'd go for the root canal if you can afford it / get NHS. Then if that doesn;t work you can get it pulled. But if it does work then it is all over and you still have all your natural teeth.

Has anyone ever had a root canal??

Post 18


I agree with Ictoan !

Please try to be brave and save your tooth.

What about having an intravenous anaesthetic, then you won't feel a thing

Good luck, smiley - biggrin

Has anyone ever had a root canal??

Post 19

Gnomon - time to move on

I don't recommend a general anaesthetic - they convert a routine dental operation into a dangerous surgical procedure.

Has anyone ever had a root canal??

Post 20


I was only out for about 30 mins, and I had no after affects. But I agree that any general anaesthetic carries a risk.

Depend on how frightened you are of the dentist.....smiley - biggrin

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