A Conversation for Ask h2g2

The Advantages of Baldness

Post 21


"What is the sound of one hand clapping?"

"What is the sound of a snow flake hitting a bald head?"

The Advantages of Baldness

Post 22


smiley - ta for the thoughts and suggestions all, feeling a lot better about it now. I know I won't miss the million years it takes to wash it, or the pulling of hair off of tops and skirts alike, or the evil mess in the hairbrush, or the hours spent trying to calmly unknot giant clumps of fuzz smiley - ok

Now I also get to look forward to going out and watching peoples eyes drift constantly from my bald head to my boobs smiley - roflsmiley - rofl

Ahhh, Feisor, I did call the Leukaemia foundation and they gave me three numbers for wigmakers...unfortunately the foils I have in my hair render it pretty much useless smiley - sadface

The Advantages of Baldness

Post 23

badger party tony party green party

I had mine done about two years back. Everyone thinks about their bonce but if its winter your neck wiil get cold too so dont forget to have a scarf handy. I seriously think you should give the complete bald thing a go. If you dont like it you will only have it for a about two weeks to a month anyway then you''l have a No.2 or longer.

Have you thought of doing a sweep on how much your hair ways to raise some more money?

The Advantages of Baldness:

Your glowering will be greatly enhanced

Your hair will not get in the way when you are throwing up etc....

People will not recognise you.

You will have no morning hair routine.smiley - cool

You can ignore the science bits in shampo ads, damn you can ignore the whole thing.

Children will not pull your hair if you pick them up.

You can with the help of a little yellow paint immitate smileys smiley - smiley

smiley - rainbow

The Advantages of Baldness

Post 24


smiley - laugh

I must admit I'm looking forward to not having to wash or brush my hair in the morning...and I won't have to worry about it drying before I go outside...stubble probably doesn't frizz as easily smiley - laugh

I will go hat and scarf shopping soon...it's nearly autumn now so I'll actually have to wear hats...but at least I won't have to worry about hat hair smiley - laugh

*wonders where she can buy yellow face paint the same shade as smiley - evilgrin*

The Advantages of Baldness

Post 25


Yes drying your hair will be very quick operation. Running your hand across your bonce will do the trick.

One thing to watch out for, at least in the early days, is rain. The scalp is a bit of a sensitive beast and it's used to all of the nice protection that hair gives it. For it to be suddenly faced with a big fat cold raindrop going *splat* on top of it is something it is not expecting, and it will complain. The first rain that I walked through after getting my head shaved was actually quite a painful experience as the scalp did a little contraction every time that a rain drop hit it.

On the plus side, by the sound of it your getting quite a long haircut - a number 1 or 2 is *not* short - so with a bit of luck what you're going to be left with will give you a bit of residual protection smiley - ok

The Advantages of Baldness

Post 26


Ok, a scarf, hats and an umbrella smiley - ok

Isn't a number one the shortest you can get it without whipping out the razor smiley - erm?

I've never had clippers anywhere near my head before, and can only go on the boys I know...but for me, if you can see scalp, it's too short smiley - laugh

The Advantages of Baldness

Post 27

badger party tony party green party

A friend of mine let me give her a number one all over, a haircut that issmiley - winkeye

She's a bit of a punk and has her hair v. short with a coloured fringe normally.

You can have shorter than number one by taking the number one comb off and just using the clippers.

smiley - rainbow

The Advantages of Baldness

Post 28


If a bald person can hear the snowflakes hitting him, it must be deafening to be out in the rain.

The Advantages of Baldness

Post 29

Researcher U1025853

Hi Tanzen

me too!

Having it done on the 21st Feb and have been growing my hair (aside from trims) since 18 and I could get away from my parents scissors! I am now 34 and trying not to think about it!

Bearing in mind, it will start growing back immediately, its an excuse to buy lots of hats and its a buddhist thing. To free yourself of material things, save money on shampoo and to look back on it as something you did which was worthwhile and helped others.

Good luck!smiley - hug

The Advantages of Baldness

Post 30


Hey tanzen, are we going to get a photo of the 'new you' in the photo gallery?

I'm sure you will look very cute indeed.

Meanwhile, a number two is pretty darned short - pretty much almost bald.

It is also possible that your hair may grow back differently afterwards, perhaps not quite so frizzy. (I'm a total sister with you in the frizzy-hair department).

But, what an adventure! Sounds like you are totally up for it.

Meanwhile, what are these 'foils' you keep mentioning?


The Advantages of Baldness

Post 31


Good luck to you too, Sorrel! Any chance of getting before and after photos for the gallery?


The Advantages of Baldness

Post 32


Tanzen, if you go to shave level of haircuts, then you have to cut it every day to keep it in shape.

The ultimate high-maintenance hair style smiley - bigeyes

The Advantages of Baldness

Post 33

Researcher U1025853

Photos will all be here

The date of the head shaving is also the launch of a new charity called PaganAid, and we are having an auction and big fund-raising night. So we will be going completely bald in front of the whole pub!

One advantage of doing this with your long haired husband, is that we can support each other, and on the night have a red dot put on each of our heads, bend over and have a picture of a 'couple of tits'!

The Advantages of Baldness

Post 34



Is the husbands beard going as well?

The Advantages of Baldness

Post 35

a visitor to planet earth

I have shaved my head many times. I find it a very sensual thing to do and it's also addictive. I don't recommend doing it first time in the middle of winter, you will fell the cold, and you may need a wooly hat, when it rains you will feel the rain drops and quickly get wet but it is easy to dry with a towel. I found I had to shave my head at least twice a week, a wet shave is best.

The Advantages of Baldness

Post 36

Researcher U1025853

Hi Alf

no the beard is staying, merely because it is being done in a pub and we have a hairdresser doing it, not a barber. We didn't want to push our luck and ask for 2 people to come for free. Its a very short beard now anyway, hes gone all neat!

The Advantages of Baldness

Post 37



I may or may not send in a new picture, depending on how shocking I look smiley - laugh

Foils...um..I don't know what they call them other places (decidedly un-girly, I only know because I have sisters smiley - winkeye) Splices? Streaks??

Anyways I will keep all posted smiley - ok

The Advantages of Baldness

Post 38

A Super Furry Animal

"Streaks" would be the word you're looking for...foil is used in the process of streaking (putting blonde highlights/red lowlights) the hair.

Back when I had it done, of course, it was the rubber hat with the holes in, through which the hair to be dyed was painfully pulled. I believe the process is more humane these days! smiley - biggrin


The Advantages of Baldness

Post 39


I have seen the holey shower hats, thankfully I think my hair was too long for them smiley - laugh

Ahh, another advantage to baldness - I won't need the hairdressers to gang up/ tag team when I go to get something done smiley - roflsmiley - rofl

The Advantages of Baldness

Post 40

A Super Furry Animal

When is the Day Of Judgment?

RFsmiley - evilgrin

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