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Graphic novels

Post 181

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I've heard of Yakitate Ja-pan before. Looked it up today- 23 volumes and counting! smiley - yikes I'd better find a bigger bookcase before I start on that one, but it sounds really good.

I've never heard of Cooking Master Boy... will try to find it, thank you! smiley - cheers

Graphic novels

Post 182

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Oh, and while I prefer to patronize local businesses when I can, Amazon trumps everyone in terms of pricing- no sales tax when ordering from Amazon, and just shy of 12% sales tax in Chicago.

But, if I find what I'm looking for locally, I'll typically buy it, and just use Amazon for what I don't see in the local shops.

Graphic novels

Post 183

Malabarista - now with added pony

Hmmm, are foodie webcomics of any interest to you, PC?

Graphic novels

Post 184

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I'd definitely be interested in looking at webcomics, yes. With a webcomic I wouldn't need to worry about finding, buying or making room for dozens of volumes. smiley - winkeye

Graphic novels

Post 185

Malabarista - now with added pony

I'll have a look in my bookmarks, then smiley - ok

Graphic novels

Post 186

Nalot of the Silver

Aahhh comics! A new stand alone comic shop has recently opened up in Bristol and I am pleased to say they are very helpful when I need random things that arnt on the shelves.

My first comics were The Books of Magic and Sandman. I would follow Gaiman to the pits of hell and back to get some more of that.

Then I moved to Preacher and Bone, both fantastic. As was V for Vendetta and Watchmen.

My favourite comic series was called Flinch. Each issue had 3 stories in it and they were very twisted, but they stopped making it I think, cos I cant find them anymore. I really want to get the whole series. Fantastic stuff!

Graphic novels

Post 187

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

I am a regular visitor to Brizzle and I normally end up going to forbidden Profit.

Where is this new place?


Graphic novels

Post 188

Nalot of the Silver

Stand infront of the new monstrocity and turn slightly left, head to McDonalds and go behind it, then turn left and head towards the greasy spoon cafe, its next door to that.

And by new monstrocity, I mean Cabot Circus...

Graphic novels

Post 189

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Ooh how exciting! I didn't know Alan Moore had done a Lovecraft interpretation comic...

Just ordered "The Courtyard" and volume one of his new "Neonomicon" is available in a TPB later this summer.



Graphic novels

Post 190

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

Now reading vol. 7 of Mike Carey's Lucifer. It is at its best when the title character is present, but I just love the writing in general.

Graphic novels

Post 191

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Is that the one that is kinda a spin off from Gaimans "Sandman"?

Been meaning to read that for a while, but grevious financial injuries smiley - winkeye have restricted my comic buying of late.


Graphic novels

Post 192

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

That's the one. It doesn't quite get going in the first volume (much like Sandman itself) but gets very awesome later.

Graphic novels

Post 193

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Ooh, I didn't know about "The Courtyard" or "Neonomicon" either. Just ordered "The Courtyard" now. smiley - ok

Graphic novels

Post 194


Comic strip from the '50s, where Mickey Mouse and Goofy become salesmen for the great new product Peppo. Or speed, to you or I. smiley - bigeyes


Graphic novels

Post 195

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I have (or at least had) a carton full of the old little Disney comic books that I found at a garage sale when I was a kid. Even then I found some of the drug references, and inherent racism, a bit OTT at times. smiley - laugh Good, wholesome family entertainment.

(I really hope my dad still has these in his garage, and didn't chuck them. They'd probably be worth a fortune now.)

Graphic novels

Post 196

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Talking about comics on the dr Who thread has made me dash over here.

I am getting seriously into "100 Bullets", currently reading volume 5 "The Counterfifth Detective" which is the most awesomely noir-ish bit yet.

Totally fantastic and I highly recommend if people have not checked it out.


Graphic novels

Post 197

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

Yeah, about characters dying. There is one quote I remember hearing, which can be summarised as follows: "Comic book characters never die permanently, they can always be revived. The only exceptions are X, Y and Z."
Problem is, I don't remember who X, Y and Z are. I'm pretty sure one of them was Bucky, and others may have been Captain Marvel and Uncle Ben, but I don't think they both were. I got the impression that it was something often said, and it was repeated to em on the occasion I remember hearing it because all three either _had_ recently been revived or were about to.
Google is being no help, so it's going to bug me now...

Graphic novels

Post 198

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Early 90s crap Cain/Hatcher TV series aside it is pretty much set in Stone that Jonathan Kent is irredeemably dead no?


Graphic novels

Post 199

Deadangel - Still not dead, just!

Well, according to Wiki...


Bucky, Jason Todd and Uncle Ben. 2 of which didn't die permanently after all, it turns out.

Graphic novels

Post 200

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

That's exactly it! Cheers, DA.

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