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Am I a perv?

Post 21

Mu Beta

"As pervy as I might be, I can´t figure out what you could do sexually to a stopwatch."

Depends whether it's got a vibrate alarm.


Am I a perv?

Post 22

Sho - employed again!

I think the m/m stuff in Torchwood is getting out of hand...

bring it on!

Am I a perv?

Post 23

STRANGELY STRANGE ( A brain on a spring )

I used to watch Torchwood but it soon became clear it was being used as a vehicle in a very unsuble way to push a Gay agender. Queer As Folk was more honest and funnier too. I have lost a lot of interest in Dr Who so the chances of watching a spin off like Torchwood that is being used for some sort of Right On message is now very remote.

Am I a perv?

Post 24

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Sho, I really think you ought to invite the original poster over to the smiley - drool thread, and any other interested partiessmiley - winkeye

We've been anticipating John Barrowman's return and the team-up with James Marsters for some time. One of our droolers has even met JM and provided us with a photosmiley - envy

I did prefer him with bleached hair though, but the kissing was good. I'm not a pervsmiley - erm I don't think, just enjoy the stuff I'm not experiencing in RL. Kinda keeps everything in working order, oiled, as it were.

Am I a perv?

Post 25


Can I, Guru Rogan Josh style, predict that this conversation will run, and run, and run, and ariston, and on, and on, and run...

and for the record...


smiley - winkeyesmiley - evilgrin

Am I a perv?

Post 26

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I doubt it, well maybe, as in maybe yes, but then again, perhaps maybe a maybe no, so definately a maybe maybe probably. Or not, as the case may be.

Am I a perv?

Post 27

Taff Agent of kaos

What is the defenition of a "perv"????

smiley - bat
agent of kaos

Am I a perv?

Post 28

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

I believe that the definition of a "perv" goes something like ...

If you tickle your lover with a feather - that's erotic.
If you use the whole chicken, you're a perv.

smiley - tongueout

If "watching" tickles a nerve
Then go ahead and observe
If you'd rather "do"
Then lucky old you
The "perving" is just an hors d'oeuvre

smiley - run

I am a perv?

Post 29

Taff Agent of kaos

A new spin to the thread

if you think you are a perv post your name to the list

like this

smiley - bat
agent of kaos

I am a perv

smiley - handcuffs

I am a perv?

Post 30

A Super Furry Animal

There is a long-standing University of Perversity here on h2g2, hence some researchers have the letters B.Perv. after their name. Advanced pervs may have a doctorate and use the letters D.Perv. after their name.

If memory serves (and it doesn't, more and more frequently these days smiley - erm), it originated from somewhere in the willy thread.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

I am a perv?

Post 31

The Groob

I answered "no" to the question when I saw the title then it dawned on me that this Fred was the first I clicked on! smiley - doh

Am I a perv?

Post 32

RemarkableFirefly (as fireflies go, obviously)

I was told I would be likely to find people of like mind for almost anything when I joined in! thanks Sho/Galaxy Babe - be with you ...

What worried me was not so much the gay snog smiley - drool as its association with violence - I remember having the same concern about my reaction to some scenes featuring that same James Marsters in Buffy. I've never been hit by a boyfriend (the worst the present OH does is truly terrible jokes) and I would like to think I'd walk immediately if I were, but I know there are women out there who suffer greatly at the hands of men who think sex and violence go together and I have a nagging fear that I'm somehow letting them down by accepting and enjoying the association when presented in a glamorised, sanitised and even humorous form. Views?

Am I a perv?

Post 33

Sho - employed again!

it's a difficult one - on the other hand, it seemed to be that their relationship was a real love/hate thing

It put me in mind of Klingons actually.

Am I a perv?

Post 34

HarpoNotMarx (((2*1)^6)-6-(2*8)=42

Martha Jones will be a welcome smiley - drool addition to go with the others. I'll be well catered for by MJ [the whole package] Gwen's sexy voice, Tosh's body and intellect, and the blokes are all ok too, I can see the appeal although off limits to me!
Martha was the most fulfilling [and let's not beat about the bush, most attractive EVER] companion the Doctor had had since Sarah Jane, and I'd already started to miss her.

Am I a perv?

Post 35

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

First things first, Martha will get off with Tosh, but it'll be part of a ploy to achieve a goal. Other than that, they will all lust after her and she'll be nice to them all but none of them will get anywhere.

Second thing, When Spike and Buffy brought the house down, it was a very physical expression of the depths of frustration, pain, anger and lust that was going back and forth between them and also being experienced seperately by both characters. It was also a fight between equals, therefore not abusive in the sense that there is no victim, or both are equal victims, as opposed to someone being victimised and abused by a stronger person (stronger literally or mentall/emotionally etc).

Personally JH&JH (ooh, codenames much! smiley - geekalert!) snogging each other then having a fight like that was rather pant-wettingly lovely. It was like having spike back again when Cptn John Harper came in and proceeded to wreak havoc... I was grinning, squealing and wriggling like a girl posessed! (My housemate was wetting himself laughing at me, i couldn't sit still!) Their fight, again, was a fight between equals and certainly I felt that it was intended to reflect the overall nature of their relationship...

As for the ott gay storylines/bi storylines in TW, well, why not? Makes a bloody change from awkwardly realised rubbish divorce/assassinate/have an affair plot instead of character driven storylines you get on soaps! TBH, I dont watch TW religiously, it doesn't excite me that much but Barrowman is smiley - bleeping gorgeous, james marsters in military uniform *swoon*... And please, somebody kill owen and bring Ianto to my house, I'll cook him a nice dinner and give him lots of Physical Therapy...

Last episode was rubbish though. boring filler!

P.S. I'm not a pervert... If your tastes are more exotic than mine, anyway, but then some people think that stockings are pervy (depends where you put em smiley - winkeye) or anything other than missionary in the dark is a bit OTT so...

Am I a perv?

Post 36


Torchwood is a lot of utter twaddle. I'm surprised that the Beeb can be bothered commissioning it in the first place. The stories are ridiculous, the sexual references are pointless and unnecessary.

Am I a perv?

Post 37

Sho - employed again!

That's one opinion...

Am I a perv?

Post 38


Torchwood: If it´s alien, it´s ours. If it moves, we´ll shag it.

Am I a perv?

Post 39

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

I think I'm starting to work out Torchwood. It's daft twaddle made up of other shows selotaped together, but it's done with such exuberance that I (for one) don't mind. It's an hour-odd of fun, with smiley - geekness thrown in as a bonus. Moreover, this last puts it a step above Robin Hood, which for some reason I simply can't watch.

Am I a perv?

Post 40

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

Aw, I like Robin Hood... Mainly because Guy of Gisbourne is so smiley - drool worthy... But equally because I find the cheesy englishness of it all rather amusing, myself, that and the costumes are fab and funny in equal measure... I like the contemporary twist (kids in 'tunics' that look an awful lot like 'hoodies'... smiley - smiley) That and Marion is reasonably strong and also vulnerable in her situation as a woman in a man's world...

Overall I think it's a better show than TW to be honest... I certainly laugh more and groan less... Horn wise, either will do though the odd moments from TW that are good are VERY good.

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