A Conversation for Ask h2g2


Post 121


If *there* was, not if I was smiley - rolleyes


Post 122


I suppose it depends if you're sitting or standing, etc.


Post 123

Researcher 1300304

it's about limiting the extent of damages. financial, not physical. i think also when you have teenagers handling coffee and maybe reheating it in the microwave, a quick reminder prolly isn't a bad thing. sorry, i didn't mean to shoot this one down. smiley - smiley


Post 124


Though it's probably easier to give the warning verbally than written on the cup.


Post 125

Researcher 1300304

be careful sir, i was too lazy to make a fresh brew of coffee so i got some stale coffee out back and whacked it in the microwave so it is going to be furiously undrinkable. and to be a real bastich i put the milk in it before i nuked it. enjoy.

smiley - smiley


Post 126



Given some of the lawsuits here in America, it wouldn't surprise me if they don't even bother. If I recall correctly, the "Caution: Contents Hot" on coffee glasses started because a woman who ordered coffee from there put it between her legs and something happened (guestimate is below smiley - winkeye ) where she burned herself. When I read that, I thought "Lady, it's hot, and even I know that man or woman, you don't stick hot coffee near your crotch to go lean over and receive change from the cashier." smiley - erm

Of course, this also goes to one of my favorite warnings. It's at Minute Maid Park in Houston, Texas (home of the baseball team Houston Astros). In the hallways behind the outfield, there are signs that say "Caution: Be on the lookout for flying baseballs and baseball bats."

Now, the caution for flying baseballs I understand (as I nearly was hit by a baseball one time there even paying attention), but baseball *bats*? ... Home plate is 400 feet away. I'd love to see a baseball player manage to throw their baseball bat after hitting the baseball - or break it that hard - for a bat to reach the top of the outfield and hit anyone or anything. smiley - winkeye


Post 127


I think I heard of that dear woman - in a McDonalds, I believe. Started off the whole Stella award thing. Wouldn't have done her any good to have a warning on the coffee cup.


Post 128


In that particular case the coffee was being served at much too high temperatures, and several customers had already complained. She wasn´t as stupid as she was made out to be.


Post 129


But still, I always thought if I spill a hot drink over myself, it's my own fault for being clumsy.


Post 130


You´re not meant to get third degree burns from it though.


Post 131


Perhaps not. But I wouldn't get any burns at all if I was careful enough not to tip it down my leg.


Post 132

A Super Furry Animal

Ah, but what if someone else spills coffee all over you, and the coffee's too hot?

You could be innocently minding your own business when some drunken smiley - tit trips over and pours superheated coffee all over you.

RFsmiley - evilgrin


Post 133


Well then it'd be the fault of the drunk person. Still wouldn't sue them though. Accidents happen.


Post 134


It would however be the fault of the company serving the coffee that such an incident ends up with skin grafts instead of just ruined pants.


Post 135


I had a drunken smiley - tit spilling my vodka once smiley - cross


Post 136

A Super Furry Animal

Well, I hope you sued McDonald's!

RFsmiley - evilgrin


Post 137


Did you get burnt?


Post 138

Researcher 1300304

on my kids' huffy basetball hoops.

warning: do not remove warning labels or instructions.

it then has a toll free number to call if you need to replace the warning labels.


Post 139

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Found a cracker on a box of praline chocolates... The second item in the list of ingredients is "Hazelnuts" and the allergy advice says:

* Nuts, Milk, Soya.
* Made in a factory that handles nuts. May contain traces of nut or nut derivatives.

smiley - doh

You've just said it contains nuts, why do you then need to say that it may contain traces of nut? Are these people being paid by the word?


Post 140



I saw a kids t-shirt a few years ago with the label - In the interest of safety, it is advisable to keep your child away from fire and flames.

You think?

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