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So, just what do you do with someone who's hobby is ruining sporting events...?

Post 1


First he jumps out in front of a formula 1 Grand Prix car doing in excess of 150 mph... Then he assaults a marathon runner in the olympics...

So, just what should you do about him...?

(And if you don't know what I'm talking about...

1) What planet have you been on for the last forty-eight hours?
2) Here's some links to help you out smiley - winkeye




So, just what do you do with someone who's hobby is ruining sporting events...?

Post 2

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

What exactly is he trying to proove? The second coming? If he's that eager to get there I suggest he spends more time wandering round grand prix events. smiley - erm

So, just what do you do with someone who's hobby is ruining sporting events...?

Post 3

I am Donald Sutherland

Another compatriot of Justin the Preacher I fear. But, as Clive says, if he continues to interrupt F1 Grand Prix races he will meet his maker quicker than he expects.


So, just what do you do with someone who's hobby is ruining sporting events...?

Post 4

The Groob

He's not another comedy terrorist is he?
Spoiling sports events. Hilarious, isn't it? smiley - erm

So, just what do you do with someone who's hobby is ruining sporting events...?

Post 5


I'd say introduce him to NASCAR - Nice big strong motorcars moving at over 200 miles per hour, and nowhere to run to when you're on the track smiley - evilgrin

Whilst we're on the subject, did anyone else recognise who it was the moment he ran into camera shot? I looked at him and thought: kilt and beret, Basque separatist perhaps? No, it's that p***k from the Grand Prix!

So, just what do you do with someone who's hobby is ruining sporting events...?

Post 6

The Groob

I'm surprised that 'professional streaker' guy didn't put in an appearance.

So, just what do you do with someone who's hobby is ruining sporting events...?

Post 7


Well, he had it written on the shirt as well didn´t he?

So, just what do you do with someone who's hobby is ruining sporting events...?

Post 8

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

Frankly I don't know what I hate more, the Olympics on TV or religous fanatics.

So, just what do you do with someone who's hobby is ruining sporting events...?

Post 9


They could do some religious olympics. Like marathon on water, 100 meter sprint while carrying a cross and bible throwing.

So, just what do you do with someone who's hobby is ruining sporting events...?

Post 10

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

Apparently his protest is to get the Vatican to open the third of three letters sent by some Religous nut. The Vatican will only open it at the end of the world apparently. smiley - weird

So, just what do you do with someone who's hobby is ruining sporting events...?

Post 11

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

smiley - laugh

The Samson Power-lift.

So, just what do you do with someone who's hobby is ruining sporting events...?

Post 12

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Hang about.smiley - huh Open the letter at the end of the world? a) what if they don't get time? and b) what if its like a gas bill or something? smiley - erm

So, just what do you do with someone who's hobby is ruining sporting events...?

Post 13


"Congratulations! You are a guaranteed winner in our prize draw. You too have the chance of receiving our top prize of £25,000 per year for life."

smiley - tongueout

So, just what do you do with someone who's hobby is ruining sporting events...?

Post 14

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

I assume that they'd open it as soon as it was clear that they world would end that day. Like having the 4-horsemen start raining havoc, or Bush getting reelected, or mad Irish ex-priests pushing Brasilian marathon runners into third place.

So, just what do you do with someone who's hobby is ruining sporting events...?

Post 15

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

okay, lets say this letter isn't a readers digest draw offer or a gas bill and does in fact tell the reader what to do in the event of the apocalypse.

Why *not* open it now, to see what it is and then stop it? smiley - huh
(If I believed in such things, which I don't, but anyway)

Unless of course, opening it triggers the end of the world? Sort of like accidentally clicking on a 'spam for armageddon' e-mail and suddenly your immediate future is filed with a overbearing number of adverts for free precriptions of Viagra or Russian porn sites. smiley - erm

So, just what do you do with someone who's hobby is ruining sporting events...?

Post 16

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

Maybe that's what they're afraid of, The Vatican recieveing free precriptions of Viagra or Russian porn magasines. Just what would the neighbors think?

So, just what do you do with someone who's hobby is ruining sporting events...?

Post 17

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

An influx of applications to join the clergy?
smiley - erm

So, just what do you do with someone who's hobby is ruining sporting events...?

Post 18

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

Yes, and we can't have that. smiley - erm

So, just what do you do with someone who's hobby is ruining sporting events...?

Post 19


If he's protesting about the amount of sport on tv over the last few weeks, then I sympathise. Thankfully the autumn season has something *other* than sport to show us.

I do feel sorry for someone who has just knackered himself out running for ages, only to have some clot molest him as he's near the end.

So, just what do you do with someone who's hobby is ruining sporting events...?

Post 20

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I think the person in question should be taken to hospital, and treated for his mental illness, he is clearly a few popes short of a vatican

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