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H2G2 Academy Awards

Post 21

Grey Area

Is it the one after "Model 28" in the catalogue?

H2G2 Academy Awards

Post 22


I couldn't agree more. Richard Burton was an absolute giant - an inspiration. If you haven't done already, check out Melvyn Bragg's superb book, 'Rich' which gives a breathtaking account of this extraordinary man's tragi-comic existence. In fact, I'd love to write an entry on him, but I'm a bit busy at the minute. Does any one else fancy having a go at writing an H2G2 tribute to Burton?

Who was it that said it's better to live one day as a lion than one hundred years as a mouse?

H2G2 Academy Awards

Post 23


My Dear Grey, you should know better.
There is no model 28, as there is no model 18 if you preffer the .357 model 19!

H2G2 Academy Awards

Post 24

Jenny and Fred the cheese

I like toast

H2G2 Academy Awards

Post 25


Ford Prefect - Guide Researcher of the Year
Lig Lury Jr. Editor, Missing, Presumed fed - Lifetime Acheivement Award (Providing we can find him)

Can I do that drunk and accosted thang, please?

H2G2 Academy Awards

Post 26


The "Annual Ursa Minor Alpha Recreational Illusions Institute Award (Rory) For The Most Gratuitous Use Of The Word F**k In A Serious Screenplay" should go to the youngish-looking man with a hook mouth, a lantern nose, and small beady cheekbones, who was wearing black trousers, a black silk shirt open to what presumably his navel (although Arthur Dent had learnt never to make assumptions about the anatomies of the sort of people he tended to meet those days) and had all sorts of nasty dangly gold things hanging round his neck, carrying something in a black bag that he clearly wanted people to notice that he didn't want them to notice it.
Oh no, wait, he was killed when the Krikkit robots attacked the party, and the Rory award For The Most Gratuitous Use Of The Word F**k In A Serious Screenplay turned out to be the Silver bail and was destroyed with the rest of the Wikket key, apart from the Heart Of Gold and the reconstituted Ashes.

I read this bloody book far too much.

Am I allowed to write f**k, or should it be like this: F**k?

H2G2 Academy Awards

Post 27


You can but f*** is much more effective...unless of course you mean 'F***ing' which is a small village somewhere in Austria(honest).


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