A Conversation for Ask h2g2

The Second Coming of Christ

Post 581


Kaz (and, indirectly, azahar), you're misinterpreting what I said: I'm not implying that azahar is racist. To illustrate the point, let's say someone from the ADL asks the 'perfectly innocent' question "Do you hate international financiers?" to determine whether someone's anti-Jewish or not. The person doing the asking isn't anti-Jewish, and 'international financiers' isn't inherently a racist term, but it most definitely can be, and it is that meaning that the question relies on to acheive its goal ergo the question contains a racist assumption. Geddit?

Alan M6791, people who share Justin's beliefs are termed Evangelical Protestants.

The Second Coming of Christ

Post 582

Alan M6791

From F92252?thread=231978#p2739831

"You may have been in that abomination called 'Christianity', but you are not in Christ, and you have never heard Jesus speak to you."

Most 'Evangelical Protestants' I know believe in Christianity!


The Second Coming of Christ

Post 583

Researcher 524695


"as we all know [Justin] gives the impression of liking people who are different from himself"

I assume that is sarcasm or a typo. Justin gives the impression of barely recognising the *existence* of people unlike himself.

", and obviously some wonder just how far that goes"

Indeed. In fact, I think Justin's preference for people "like himself" goes deeper than he is prepared to admit, as I've pointed out several times before.

It's interesting that he has a fairly short list of things he regularly complains about here - whoring, fornication, adultery, drunkenness, hypocrisy, lying, homosexuality.

It's even more interesting to note that of that list, Justin cheerfully admits to having engaged in every single one except the last, and absolutely flatly refuses to discuss this curious omission on any terms. You have to wonder where his obvious self-loathing originates though...

The Second Coming of Christ

Post 584

Noggin the Nog

You're a fine one to talk Justin. YOU can't even give any sort of account of what constitutes something as true. You don't have any guns, and you can't manouevre at all. You just have the depth of the hole you've dug for yourself as protection.


The Second Coming of Christ

Post 585

Researcher 524695

smiley - huh

"let's say someone from the ADL asks the 'perfectly innocent' question "Do you hate international financiers?" to determine whether someone's anti-Jewish or not"

To me that speaks of racism in the questioner. Personally, if someone asked me if I hated international financiers, my answer would be an unequivocal "yes", on the grounds that they are non-productive parasites on a system which perpetuates inequality and injustice. It would never occur to me even for a moment that race or religion was ever a factor in the mind of the questioner.

How has hating international financiers got anything, anything AT ALL to do with being anti-Jewish - unless the *questioner* subscribes to the stereotype of Jews as a race of venal moneygrabbers?

The Second Coming of Christ

Post 586


hi Mycroft,


Yeah well, good thing too! smiley - winkeye

And to be honest, if I ever thought to ask about international financiers my first thought wouldn't be that they would be Jewish. Where does that supposition come from?

I cannot be responsible for how other interpret my questions. If some want to see them as 'racist' then that is their problem. Franklly.

I am asking Justin who he thinks is 'allowed' into his special 'God club'. I want to know who he would consider 'allowable'. I have looked at the other testimonies. I haven't seen anyone who wasn't a middle-aged white person. Hence my question.

aka spawn of Satan

The Second Coming of Christ

Post 587

Northern Boy (lost somewhere in the great rhubarb triangle) <master of Freudian typos> Man or Badger?

Az having looked at what Justin has said (and having bitten my tongue in many occasions) it seems fair to say that the only person justin wants in his club is Justin!

aka the antichrist smiley - erm...apparently

The Second Coming of Christ

Post 588

Researcher 195767


The Scripture that you are so fond of teaching me about, though your knowledge of them is scant, says exactly as I said. I don't tell lies. Salvation is NOT dependant on me.

"Salvation is of God."

"By grace are ye saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God."

"(Jesus said) No man can come to me except my Father draw him."

"(Jesus said) All that my Father hath given to me WILL COME TO ME."

"(Jesus again) My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand."

There are NO lucky stars. I trust in God, not pagan things.

I did not suggest anything of the sort. If I sin against God DELIBERATELY I will burn with you, except you repent, of course. I can make slips and mistakes as I learn to walk with God, but as long as I confess and repent I will be forgiven. Slips and mistakes on the part of His children as they learn are NOT in the same league as the life of sin lived by all unsaved people.

I am well aware that you are not in despair at your state and see no reason for someone to save you from what you know is coming down the road. Neither have you ever been in that place. But all Christians know that place, because without full heart repentence and agreement with the Cross of Christ as God's judgement against them they would not be saved, but merely religious.

To understand those things you do not have to go and do anything. God will show you. If He does not you are finished.

All human beings are condemned from conception by the power of sin in them. How do you know sin is in you? You do not KNOW Jesus, and you have never heard Him speak to you. You are still separated from God, and you know it.

There may be no apparent outworking of sin in your life, but it is there if you have not been born again.

If you use the definition held by churchmen that all who have a belief system about Jesus is a Christian then you are right. But it is utterly impossible to follow someone you do not know and cannot hear speak to you. If you have not been born again you don't know Him, and you CANNOT follow Him.

Many through the centuries have made some sort of fist of being religious, mostly due to coercsion by the cult of the dead woman, but they are no more born again that the devil. You are using an anti-Word understanding of Scripture. God's people always have been a tiny minority. There are tens of thousands of people in the UK who are genuine Christians. Some go to Baptist churches, or Pentecostal or even Anglican, or none. They are just the same as I am, and they are my brethren. Just because you do not know any other genuine Christians does not mean that they do not exist or that I am the only one.


The Second Coming of Christ

Post 589

I am Donald Sutherland

>>It's interesting that he has a fairly short list of things he regularly complains about here - whoring, fornication, adultery, drunkenness, hypocrisy, lying, homosexuality. <<

Very good point Re-mem-mem. I think you may be getting to the nub of the matter.

Sadly, homosexuality is of often a cause for self loathing. Mainly because of the intolerance of others simply because of something they may have read in the Bible.


The Second Coming of Christ

Post 590

Dark Side of the Goon

"You are outgunned and outmanoevered. You do not stand a chance of catching me out, you do not know enough"

How? You never change your position, so you can't be maneuvering. I'm not trying to catch you out, silly!

"Salvation is NOT dependant on me or what I do"

Salvation isn't. But while you are here and while you post, you represent all that you believe. Deny it all you will, but you ARE bringing the names of Christ and God into disrepute. That's something you will have to square away with Them. You can deny this, if you wish, but look at the reactions of people who post to the thread. They disagree with almost everything you say, not because it is wrong but because it is YOU saying it, and by association what you tell them, whether it is truth or not, gospel or not, wise or not, right or not, loses credibility.

"There is no point offering a lifeline to anyone who does not know, and will not accept that they are drowning"

If you teach them to swim, they need never drown in the first place.

"If they are in denial about God and what He says then telling them of His love and mercy to repentant sinners is of no avail"

Ridiculous! You just don't have any idea how to deliver the message. That's what I'm trying to show you.

"I am more than ready to tell anyone who is in despair about their own rotteness of the love and mercy of God"

The further we run, the more God wants us back? What kind of message is that? I'll tell you: negative reinforcement.

"Whatever I say people will live up to the nature that is in their hearts"

If Christ had believed that, he'd have stayed a carpenter and been glad of the work.

The Second Coming of Christ

Post 591


hi Justin,


You kiddin me? I ain't even begun to fight yet! Watch out, honey.

smiley - winkeye

aka quite possibly your worst nightmare

The Second Coming of Christ

Post 592

I am Donald Sutherland

>> You do not KNOW Jesus, and you have never heard Him speak to you. <<

Thats true, and if I did I would be seeking out the services of a psychiatrist before the problem got out of hand.

Justin, you are full of religious mumbo jumbo but have not one ounce of spirituality in you. You quote the words of the The bible but have not one inkling of the spirit of The Bible.

Again I ask you. What happened to help thy neighbour and love thine enemy? You don't have to be saved to understand that message. Just the ability to read and understand what you are reading.

It's a message that appears in many religions from Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Zoroastrian, Druids and many more. They all have this common theme running through them. That is why they have survived so long. If all they offered was eternal damnation with a lottery as to whether you were saved or not they would have died out years ago.


The Second Coming of Christ

Post 593

Dark Side of the Goon

"You have to wonder where his obvious self-loathing originates though"

Clearly it's because he has seen himself in relation to God and knows he's a poor sinner who would burn but for the Grace of God.

Intimating anything else is just cheap, and I believe you're better than that, member.

The Second Coming of Christ

Post 594


Apparently Jtp has been paying attention to us! Even though he won't answer direct questions from an increasingly large number of researchers, he does read our posts.

He has at least only quoted paul once this time, with just two quotes potentially attributable to his lord.

"salvation is of god" and "all that my father hath given ..." appear nowhere within JtP's preferred text, the KJV. "by grace aree ye ..." is already attributed to paul.

This leaves "no man can come ..." and "my sheep hear my voice ..." which is getting a lot better. Well done, Justin.

Now, slight problem, Justin. The Gospel of John. Probably written at least 40 years after your saviour's death and not by the eponymous apostle. Also probably editted at some later date to bring it in to line with the Pauline view. The most likely sections to have been editted include chapters 13-17, which cover the first quote "no man can come ..." but the edits are still wide spread.

This leaves a tentative "my sheep hear my voice ...". Given his tendancy to simile, comparing himself with a shepherd, etc. this might be a plausible quote, except that the second part of the quote is unconnected. Given the depth of his learning it would be unlikely that such a figure would mix his metaphors so clumsily. Poor edit? Probably.

Do you want to try again?

The Second Coming of Christ

Post 595

Researcher 195767


I cannot bring the name of God or of the glorious Lord Jesus into any lower contempt than that which they are held by sinners in the first place.

Do you think I don't know that good old Satanic gambit of the pretending to defend the honour of God's name and His Scripture by those who are His enemies, against those who know and walk with Him? I am not a greenhorn you know! How on earth would you know what is right and what is not?!!!! You are an enemy of God by nature, like all as yet sinners, and do not know Him!

The vast majority who post on this thread are trolls and I don't even read their posts. No matter how much proof, or how much submission to how they want things presented, is given to them they are children of the devil, as the Bible says that all sinners are, and they will not listen. They hold God in contempt, and by extension His people too. Jesus got exactly the same reaction from the majority as I do.

You cannot swim in a lake of fire.

How on earth can an outsider who has never gone through salvation, and who does not know what Jesus said on the subject, possibly teach someone who has? How would you know? When you went to college/university did you teach your tutors too?

You simply don't understand the mechanism of how people are brought to God, and I do. Please stop trying to teach me.


The Second Coming of Christ

Post 596

Researcher 195767


How can you call yourself a Christ-ian when you do not know the person you allege you follow? How can anyone follow someone they do not know and cannot hear?


To hear the Lord Jesus speak to you is what salvation is FOR! Sin cuts men off from God, and Christ came to deal with sin so that men can be restored to God. NOT TO RELIGION ABOUT HIM, STILL SEPARATE FROM HIM.

I do help people and love my enemy. Anyone who knows me would tell you that! How on earth would you know I don't, seeing as you are an outsider, unsaved, and an enemy of God? (Jesus said, "He that is not with me is against me.")

All the pagan religions you mention do have some of that running through them, but they have no power to DO it. Are you calling Jesus a liar when He said, "I am THE Way, THE Truth, and THE Life, NO MAN cometh to the Father but by ME"? Are you putting those pagan religions, none of whom are able to reach God, on a par with Christ?!! And you claim to be His disciple?!!!!!


The Second Coming of Christ

Post 597


hi Re-mem-mem

'"as we all know [Justin] gives the impression of liking people who are different from himself"

I assume that is sarcasm or a typo.'

What a typo, sorry, theres a 'not' which should have been in that sentance.

Yes, justin does seem to have practised many 'sins' and he is not at all apologetic for it. He now practises the sin of impatience, arrogance, distain and many others and one day his god may just tell hes had enough of his behaviour. The sooner the better, when you consider the damage he performs here everyday.

The Second Coming of Christ

Post 598


Mycroft, I accept that I may have misinterpreted what you meant to say, but I don't get your question "Do you hate international financiers?", what would that have to do with jews? My husband used to work in IT support in that field and there were many financiers of many religions and races. I thought the stereotype of Jews and finance was a very old and dead one by now? Anyway, just a side issue, which probably doesn't matter much.

The Second Coming of Christ

Post 599


Donald I love your line...

'>> You do not KNOW Jesus, and you have never heard Him speak to you. <<

Thats true, and if I did I would be seeking out the services of a psychiatrist before the problem got out of hand.'

It makes me wonder how many people who have been sectioned or are on strong mind-numbing drugs have really heard the voice of god and therefore are real christians!!smiley - winkeye

The Second Coming of Christ

Post 600


Justin I hope you read this post, please tell us what are trolls, and why we are trolls.

It appears to me that anyone who asks you questions is a troll, and please remember I once asked you if we could have a conversation and get to understand each other and learn about each other and what makes us tick. Why am I a troll, even though I offered the hand of friendship to you?

Would the good sameritan have spurned my offer in the same way you did?

Key: Complain about this post