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Who in the UK has snow?

Post 241


snowin i love snowsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 242


its snowing! yay!

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 243

A Super Furry Animal

Snowing in London right now.

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 244


Snowing in Brum pretty much all night ans still is smiley - biggrin

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 245


It shnowed last night in Sheffield, not too much, but enough to get me excited about it!smiley - wow

It's supposed to snow again this afternoon too

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 246

Jimbob - Got a Favourite Band? Tell Us All About It at A2464355

*waves to footbacon*

Snowed last night but it didn't settle too much, and most of it has gone now. smiley - brr

The weather man on Radio 2 this morning said there would be more 'wintery showers' through the day. smiley - smileysmiley - snowball

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 247


So far, no more snow yetsmiley - erm

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 248

Jimbob - Got a Favourite Band? Tell Us All About It at A2464355

smiley - snowball

What does a snow dance look like?

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 249


Like a rain dance, but smiley - erm heavier...smiley - llabwons

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 250

Jimbob - Got a Favourite Band? Tell Us All About It at A2464355

smiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - rofl

smiley - tongueout

Good answer!

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 251


smiley - biggrinsmiley - diva

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 252

Johnny the horse <like sun burn in the evenin>

i had enough snow to get my pinky wet it was very devisted, although it has just restarted, (Johnny in liverpool)

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 253


Your pinky? |Did you not have any gloves?

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 254

Johnny the horse <like sun burn in the evenin>

no my dad stole them now my little pinky is all blue and sad

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 255


smiley - wow We've got rather a lot of snow in South Wales. (Newport, Usk and Chepstow to be more precise) It's turning a bit slushy atm though. smiley - wah

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 256


More on the way tonight though, chuck! smiley - winkeye

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 257


It's Melting!

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 258


smiley - laugh
It's gone really dark outside now. Methinks it will either snow or more likely rain soon

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 259

Jimbob - Got a Favourite Band? Tell Us All About It at A2464355

Either that or it's the Apocalypse. Chances are it'll hit Sheffield first. smiley - winkeye

Keep an eye out for all us sinners, we'll save a space for you in the burning lava stuff. smiley - ok

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 260


Are you in Sheff too Jimbob?

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