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Who in the UK has snow?

Post 201


I think they probably closed Brums schools to lower the risk of traffic jams in the morning.

I stayed at home yesterday as working from home felt like a better use of my time than sitting in a bus for five hours.

Did you know that Birmingham City council deliberately ordered their traffic wardens to go out and ticket all the abandoned vehicles as of 8 am yesterday morning.
How dare they!! After miserably failing to ensure that the roads were safe and drivable they then cash in on those who presumably preferred not to freeze to death whilst futilely wating for the traffic in move forward one inch.

There was nothing more they could have done to prevent it they said.

Hmmm, strange how you don't see continental cities grinding to a halt when there is less than an inch of snow on the ground.

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 202


Many people who live in countries that have frequent heavy snow during winter use snow chains on their tyres so that they can still get around. I used to work with a Swiss girl who was mystified by our putting down salt and grit on the roads. We're just not set up to deal with severe winter weather in England because we so rarely get any. The last time I was actually snowed in was 1991.

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 203


No other country is smiley - silly enough to believe a handful of salt can turn back the tide of mother natures forces - Brum's gritters were out all day but it doesn't work in such adverse weather.

When I got home to Smethwick, where the gritters had all but given up - it was still snow rather than ice and the going was a lot easier smiley - biggrin

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 204


looks like its all gone ..smiley - zen might not break my neck going to get my nephew then ..

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 205


One day of snow and England grinds to a halt smiley - biggrin

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 206


I do hope that wasn't a dig at me smiley - smiley

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 207


It was a dig at the nation we call home, Serephina smiley - biggrin

Brummies really surpassed themselves in their patheticness this time smiley - magic I'm so proud of the ciy I live on the outskirts of smiley - rofl

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 208



Who in the UK has snow?

Post 209


They abandon their cars, causing traffic jams that not even the gritters can get through, then moan about the gritters not getting through

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 210


Who in the UK has snow?

Post 211

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

I see nothing's changed then smiley - laugh S'not fair, since I moved oop north to Manchester I've not had a proper winter snowfall smiley - blue

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 212


We could always move to Scotland with Z smiley - laugh

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 213

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

Not all of Scotland's had the snow tho' The guys who work at our Grangemouth site were laughing at us on Wednesday smiley - yikes

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 214


Iceland, anyone? smiley - erm

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 215

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

That's where one of my daughter-in-laws works!

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 216


Oh smiley - cool

Sorry smiley - blush

Always fancied going there! smiley - biggrin

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 217

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

I thought there was one on every High Street smiley - evilgrin

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 218


We've always used Safeway up to now...smiley - rofl

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 219

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Windy today...

Who in the UK has snow?

Post 220


I'll need to wear a hat otherwise it'll blow all my hair out smiley - yikes

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