A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Panic attacks

Post 21


Thought Field Therapy....smiley - erm

Whats that then

Panic attacks

Post 22

Welsh Gardener

Go to www.thoughtfieldtherapy.co.uk and learn more about TFT.

In answer to the question - hypnotherapy costs vary depending on where you live. Considering the money people are happy to pay for NHS prescriptions and health supplements, I think it is fair to say that for relief from such a life-restricting handicap as panic attacks, it is money well spent.

WG smiley - rose

Panic attacks

Post 23


Valerion is a type of natural medicine. It has quite a story behind it. It is one of those natural remedies who can really help to calm down anyone. But i stopped taking it when i discovered it already is part of some natural teas recepies.

Thought field therapy is a very good way to help people to try to get over panic attacks. But the thing is... it's sometimes expensive and i think very well done personal or group therapy can have the same effects, and cost nothing most of the times.

smiley - tea

Panic attacks

Post 24


How's it going, Serephina? Are you still getting panic attacks?


Panic attacks

Post 25


Haven't had a full one for a little while now smiley - zen I think it mightve been something I was worrying about that was bringing them on as its stopped since the dreaded appointment passed.

Panic attacks

Post 26


Very glad to hear it, Serephina. smiley - hug

It's been my experience that panic attacks happen either so out-of-the-blue that they can surprise me (and also scare the heckity out of me) or else they carry on for a certain period of time when an unresolved 'something' is happening in my life. Which is often even scarier.

In either case it's always important to remember that 'this too shall pass' and also to remember to BREATHE. smiley - zen


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