A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Game Cube!!!

Post 41

metroid 2k, Master of Disaster

u have zelda!
smiley - grr
i envy you!

Game Cube!!!

Post 42


Bizarre - Limited Edition, 2 discs (2nd disc includes an updated Ocarina of Time and the not quite released 64-DD Master Quest), multiplayer bits available with GBA link-up, yet it's 3/4 the price of most new GC games (30 GBP)

And it's wonderful! smiley - cool

Game Cube!!!

Post 43

Jimbob - Got a Favourite Band? Tell Us All About It at A2464355

Aaargh. smiley - wah

Blinking console wars - what is it with different computer formats that incites such passion. I remember all this rubbish ('mine's technically better'; 'mines got a bigger joystick than yours') when I had a ZX Spectrum 15-odd years ago! And it's still the same!

Ladies and gents, I think we have a duty, on behalf of future generations, to put a stop to this now. Who's for a group smiley - hug ?


Game Cube!!!

Post 44


Though this is a Gamecube thread, yes - each has their own merits. smiley - hug

Game Cube!!!

Post 45

Jimbob - Got a Favourite Band? Tell Us All About It at A2464355

I got a PS2 at the mo, it's ok. If I had the cash I'd probably spring for a GC as well. I liked the N64 but I agree it was shot down by the lack of games. I remember waiting ages for Banjo-Kazooie, which was smashing but there wasn't really another game to get for months in either direction...

I like Nintendo's aesthetic, but the price you pay for that is a tighter rein on game development and fewer titles hitting stores. It doesn't help if the ones that do aren't always top notch.

Xbox for me doesn't offer enough difference from my PS2, really.

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