A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Any new stories?

Post 121

rangerjustice (formerly warrior ranger)

smiley - rofl"How to give a smiley - cat a pill"smiley - rofl

I hadn't seen that one before, TOO funny!

smiley - cheers

Any new stories?

Post 122



Thing is, these pointy-eared guys make me laugh every single day by doing stupid and adorable cat stuff.

They totally crack me up! smiley - biggrin

And they remind me to enjoy these moments. Because without them I think many days might sometimes pass without me laughing at all.

Funny and lovely little beasts!


Any new stories?

Post 123

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

I am glad you enjoy them so much.....

Any new stories?

Post 124

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Posted elsewhere, but I thought this thread might be interested in Catwoman! smiley - biggrin


Any new stories?

Post 125

Big Red

Hi, Az! THe cat pill joke was great. I had heard a version of that but yours was much better. Hope you have been well.

Any new stories?

Post 126



Not sure if this will work, it's an article I found last month . . .


smiley - smiley

*waves to Big Red!*

Any new stories?

Post 127

Sea Change

Nope, doesn't work. How about some search terms?

Any new stories?

Post 128

A.Dent ....in time

Our cats just found out that something moves inside the video recorder. I only know this because having taken the hole thing to bits to get a trapped tape out. I noted scratch marks on the top of the tap cassette. And of course we set a trap for the cat and fount it with both front legs in the slot, trying to get the tape out.. maybe I should just give her the operating instructions, instead of letting her struggle.

Any new stories?

Post 129


My cat has spent the last 2 years hiding in its lab. Apparently it has been trying to come up with the the theory to unify both quantum mechanics with classic newtonian physics as well as trying to pounce on a ball of wool in a cute manner. I might have to put the damn thing down or just run it over in my pedal car.

Any new stories?

Post 130


They are just soooooooooo sneaky. I never know what they get up to when I'm not home (certainly not the washing up!) but whenever I open the door they all look at me like I have interrupted something very important and top secret. Even though on the surface it innocently appears to be just another nap. . .


Any new stories?

Post 131


Don't be fooled by the innocent looking tail being held aloft or the calming influences of its purring! It is all designed to catch you unawares. The cat is probably constructing a makeshift catapult on which vials of CS gas will be loaded and launched when you least expect it. Cats are sneaky, devious and most of all criminal masterminds with only death and destruction on their feline minds

Any new stories?

Post 132


hmmm . . . doubt it. smiley - biggrin

Lua is just sitting on the chair next to me (get this - I have now brought an extra chair over to in front of the computer so the cats can take turns sitting next to me, boy am I well trained or what?) and she is looking at me with the biggest most beautiful undevious blue eyes. Okay, she is a cranky old b*tch most of the time, but hey, she isn't happy unless she is sitting next to me! smiley - smiley

Actually, I only thought of the second chair thing after ages of putting up with one cat or another sitting on my lap whilst I tried to type (not easy).

I wonder what they will train me to do next? smiley - erm


Any new stories?

Post 133

rangerjustice (formerly warrior ranger)

I'm guessing you probably don't want to know, Az! smiley - laugh

Any new stories?

Post 134


And I'm guessing that I probably *still* won't know even after they've done it! smiley - biggrin


Any new stories?

Post 135

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

Az, you deserve smiley - catlovers nobelprise

Any new stories?

Post 136


I'd prefer to have my sofa recovered. smiley - erm


Any new stories?

Post 137

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

goes off looking for Az's sofa. it is very good in hide 'n' seek.

Any new stories?

Post 138


it's really not easy to find my sofa these days since there is so little left of it . . .


Any new stories?

Post 139

Big Red

This is totally off the subject -- an aside link for Az (hi, Az! *waves*), because I know she will enjoy this conversation between Quentin Tarantino and Brian Helgeland (who wrote "L.A. Confidential").


Any new stories?

Post 140


hi Big Red,

smiley - ok thanks for the link.

have to go - got cat overload happening! one on the extra chair, one on my lap . . . hmmm, wonder where the other one is???


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