A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What is it with breasts?

Post 3681

Doctor Devoid......an Earth-bound misfit.

And there was me thinking you were jsut being a voyeur.
smiley - winkeye

What is it with breasts?

Post 3682

Mu Beta

Nothing wrong with that...

Did I just say that out loud?


What is it with breasts?

Post 3683

Doctor Devoid......an Earth-bound misfit.

I agree comlpetely, I just wanted to clarify the admirals motives/ interest.smiley - biggrin

What is it with breasts?

Post 3684


Yet again! smiley - smiley

What is it with breasts?

Post 3685

Doctor Devoid......an Earth-bound misfit.

Looks suspiciously like it

What is it with breasts?

Post 3686


I'm getting rather good at it. smiley - biggrin

What is it with breasts?

Post 3687

Doctor Devoid......an Earth-bound misfit.

Whats that bookmarking???

What is it with breasts?

Post 3688


It means I can go back and read the thread without having to wade through a lot of backlogg I've alreay read.

What is it with breasts?

Post 3689

Doctor Devoid......an Earth-bound misfit.

Sorry, missed out the comma.

Whats that, bookmarking???

Make sense??

What is it with breasts?

Post 3690


Course it's bookmarking. I've already said all I'm about to on this thread for now but it doesn’t mean that I’ve stopped lurking.

What is it with breasts?

Post 3691

Doctor Devoid......an Earth-bound misfit.

smiley - erm OK, if you say so!!

What is it with breasts?

Post 3692

kleverkloggs (the thickest thing since Granny's rice pudding)

I hope you don't all mind me doing what comes naturally to me.
I usually end up replying to the first post in a thread when there are hundreds following it, so here goes.
I have a simple answer to most of life's difficult questions and it is based on the classic reason for climbing mountains. Asked "why do fools fall in love?", i reply "because they are fools".
So: the male fascination for breasts is "because they are there".
The question of size is equally summed up as "because thats the size they are".
The human female form is the (almost*) perfect solution to the problem of making sure the human race doesn't die out too soon. It/She provides a temptation that the male cannot resist. And men, as we know only too well, epitomise the "Form Over Substance" theory - they are part of the collective noun known as mugs. And they ensure by their persistant interest in things anatomical that there is indeed "one born every minute"

*to perfect the design requires eyes in the toes so that we do not walk over a cliff while viewing the aforementioned subject of this thread, the object of desire. But that is another matter altoegether(sic).

What is it with breasts?

Post 3693

Doctor Devoid......an Earth-bound misfit.

A good an interesting point, rather well argued I thought.

What is it with breasts?

Post 3694

Crunchy Frog

Don't want to be pedantic, but most other things are also "there" so as a reason for something specific, ie
completely off the top of my head here,
a fascination with breasts,
its not a very thorough argument.
maybee it varys with the amount of "insert metaphore here" present?

smiley - ermsmiley - cheers

What is it with breasts?

Post 3695

F F Churchton

alcohol seems good to "insert here"!!!

What is it with breasts?

Post 3696


Right, don't really have anything to add.

What is it with breasts?

Post 3697

F F Churchton

Hence, the mention of drink, which seems to be a popular discussion topic!!!

What is it with breasts?

Post 3698


Hmm, you can drink milk from breasts.

What is it with breasts?

Post 3699

Crunchy Frog

you can drink most things from breasts if you're careful
smiley - winkeye

What is it with breasts?

Post 3700

Emsley Thomas

smiley - erm

oh and smiley - blushsmiley - blush

smiley - run

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