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I know 3 people called Amy, and they're all really sexy. Is this always the case?

Post 21

It's all too much.....

Went out with a Jennifer for 3 years. She seemed to get less sexy. It's always the way!

I know 3 people called Amy, and they're all really sexy. Is this always the case?

Post 22

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

Ah, now that I've followed to see where Amys were being discussed, I see that It's all too much... isn't an Amy... Darn...

But yes, there is a page of Amys, though there are surprisingly few of us: A612785

And for the record, I'm neither sexy nor cute... Don't think much of my personality either, actually...

I know 3 people called Amy, and they're all really sexy. Is this always the case?

Post 23

It's all too much.....

Don't care - I fancy you already!

I know 3 people called Amy, and they're all really sexy. Is this always the case?

Post 24


Theres a miserable songstress from good ol' uncle u.s of stateside called Aimee Mann...she's nowt special.

I know 3 people called Amy, and they're all really sexy. Is this always the case?

Post 25

It's all too much.....

Hey Amy - just checked out your page of Amys. Can I be an honourary Amy for starting this mini Amy revival?

(I'm really a Jon)

I know 3 people called Amy, and they're all really sexy. Is this always the case?

Post 26

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

Um, sure, why not?

Go post there though, so I won't forget--I'm at w**k right now...

I know 3 people called Amy, and they're all really sexy. Is this always the case?

Post 27


Go get 'em alltoomuch! You devilish ladies man, you.

I know 3 people called Amy, and they're all really sexy. Is this always the case?

Post 28


If they have a wonderful personality it doesn't matter much what they look like.

I know 3 people called Amy, and they're all really sexy. Is this always the case?

Post 29

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Nice try Xan smiley - winkeye

I know 3 people called Amy, and they're all really sexy. Is this always the case?

Post 30

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

And since I'm happily married, it *really* doesn't matter...

Wait, that didn't quite come out right...

I know 3 people called Amy, and they're all really sexy. Is this always the case?

Post 31


I mean it actually. It's limited how much you can use good looks for.

I know 3 people called Amy, and they're all really sexy. Is this always the case?

Post 32

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

Or for how long...

I know 3 people called Amy, and they're all really sexy. Is this always the case?

Post 33


"Having a nice personality" is ALWAYS a euphemism for "looks like the south end of a northbound cow".

Personally I'd HATE it if someone ever said *I* had a "nice personality". Fortunately, that's incredibly unlikely, 'cause I'm a complete b*****d. smiley - winkeye


I know 3 people called Amy, and they're all really sexy. Is this always the case?

Post 34


Doesn't there need to be a phsical attraction in the first place tho?
I mean, you can't notice a nice personality from across a stereotypically "crowded room".
Not that I'm shallow, you understand...

I know 3 people called Amy, and they're all really sexy. Is this always the case?

Post 35


Yeah, I did feel the phrase has come to mean they're ugly. I just didn't know how to say it. She has a nice face, just is a bit big and for some reason has a very big butt.

I know 3 people called Amy, and they're all really sexy. Is this always the case?

Post 36


nothing worse than a big face...

I know 3 people called Amy, and they're all really sexy. Is this always the case?

Post 37

Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")

Famous Amy's?

Amy Johnson - record breaking pilot (see A664102 - it's unedited, but I think it ought to be recommended for peer review, seeing as tha author appears to have left the building. Anyone want to second it, and I'll recommend it. It might need a little more work, though...

Who thinks you'll rarely go wrong with a Louise.

I know 3 people called Amy, and they're all really sexy. Is this always the case?

Post 38

It's all too much.....

I was seeing someone when I was v. young - 15? and trying to do the whole personality thing, but it didn't work. She overheard me telling my mate I might dump her because she resembled a boar! She was a proper nice lass though.

Oh, by the way, I've grown up now, and am no longer an absolute b******!

I know 3 people called Amy, and they're all really sexy. Is this always the case?

Post 39


On the other hand...womens names that usually spell lack of physical attributes...Pearl. Any other thoughts?

I know 3 people called Amy, and they're all really sexy. Is this always the case?

Post 40


I know It's all too much and he is still a complete b*****d. Don't believe his lies....

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