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Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 4681

Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet

Nara Japan 2;00 pm ,What can I say other than blue sky no wind lot's of water on the grass and O yeh 29 c you can almost feel the water rising from the grass, have to wait for it to dry out a bit before I can cut the grass then I'll put the new awning thing up over the bench, it's 3 mtr square so should give a bit of shade during the coming summersmiley - winkeye

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 4682

Reality Manipulator

26 May 2008, 14:56, South Ockendon, Thurrock, Essex

Cold, wet and miserable day. Cloudy skies, wind and heavy downpours of rain in the morning but by late morning it started to peter out. The current temperature is 12°C and the wind speeds are 16 mph ENE.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 4683

Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller

Oi, Thinker, enough of that miserable stuff! Think sunny and blue, that should cheer you up smiley - cheerup.

It's sunny and blue here to be truthful but as May draws towards an end it is now a fact that in many parts of Oz it is the driest May since records began and I wish it'd rain.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 4684

Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet

Nara Japan 12:35 pm Thinking for you Keithsmiley - winkeye Another sunny day 21 c -30 c ,

ground is still to wet to do anything really . smiley - erm

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 4685


Koblenz, Germany. It is sunny, 26 degrees and it is about 12:34pm. Eating ice cream with friends from school. Buying postcards and a shaun the sheep magazine with a weird free toy. smiley - huh

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 4686

Reality Manipulator

27 May 2008, 18:59, South Ockendon, Thurrock, Essex

Cloudy skies, dry with some sunny periods uptil the afternoon. Dull the rest of the day. The temperature had been 16° but now it is 14°C and the wind speeds are 10 mph E. The temperatures will start getting better by the weekend 20°C to 23°C.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 4687


The weather here in South Yorkshire has been shocking today drizzle, then a fog came down can't see a hand infront of you, barely see the trees in the garden. It's like December. Hope it picks up later on in week as it is june.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 4688

Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet

Nara Japan 3:15 pm getting cloudy now and I think it will rain before the day is out 29 c so I got rather warm cutting the grass smiley - winkeye

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 4689

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

hi all
well the sun as gone for now, and we had rain all night, and drizzling at the moment
at 9-15am,on wednesday, the 28th of may,in cloudy bradfford uk,2008 smiley - dragon jim

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 4690


Minnesota, USA:

We had terrible weather last weekend. Tornado touchdowns and large hail in some parts of the state. This has been the deadliest year for tornadoes in the USA in a long time.

It was warm on Sunday, and then a cold front moved through bringing cold weather. Tornadoes cut a large path across Minnesota and Iowa.

Frost in northern part of state this morning. Expected high today 69F/21C.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 4691


Weds 28th May, 16:23 Portsmouth, UK. Its rainy cloudy and cold here. so much for the dry week. smiley - blue oh well, a cup of smiley - tea or some smiley - bubbly might cure the cold.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 4692

Reality Manipulator

28 May 2008, 18:35, South Ockendon, Thurrock, Essex

Cloudy skies, dry with occasional sunny intervals The temperature had been 15° but now it is 14°C and the wind speeds are 24 mph E.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 4693


Thurs 29th May, 11:48am. portsmouth. SUNNY! Just saw an escaped parakeet in the garden. it is warm and a little bit cloudy but i'm not complaining. smiley - evilgrin

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 4694

Reality Manipulator

29 May 2008, 14:55, South Ockendon, Thurrock, Essex

Partly cloudy skies, dry with occasional sunny intervals in the morning but 13:00 it started to cloud over and it has been raining since 13:30. The temperature had been 18° but now it is 14°C and the wind speeds are 5 mph E.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 4695

Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller

Yayyyy! We have rain at last and more forecast, shame is that it's not going to the places that really need itsmiley - sadface. Still every little bit counts.
True winter weather here now with tops around 20, 24 and minimums down to single figures on the odd occasion. My two pairs of track pants get an airing this time of the year on the odd occasion that shorts are not called for. They were 'de rigour' in the late 80's, everytime I wear them though there are frowns amongst the family...smiley - huh

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 4696

Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet

Nara Japan 2:45 pm It's a cloudy day today with a bit of wind 24 c and my grass still has puddles all over good job I cut it when I did ,that was the only day this week it was dry smiley - sadface

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 4697

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

hi all
and welcome to the new ones joining the thread,
its now dark and dull, and yep we had rain through the night.back to the warm jumpers or fleeces, for now lol
its now 9-40am, on the 30th of may, in bradford uk, 2008 smiley - dragonjim

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 4698


hi everyone!

it's currently 16:16pm and it looks like its about to rain because its gone all dark and clouds are grey. extremely overcast today. smiley - blue

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 4699

Reality Manipulator

30 May 2008, 17:11, South Ockendon, Thurrock, Essex

Overcast and dull day. The temperature had been 19° but now it is 147°C and the wind speeds are 7 mph NW.

Whats the weather doing where you are?

Post 4700

Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller

*Hopes Thinker wears a sensible hat outside in the wilds of South Ockendon today, seeing as the temperature is a scorching 147c...

smiley - laugh

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