A Conversation for Ask h2g2

The Return of "What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?"

Post 7921

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

Highway Chile - Jimi Hendrix

The Return of "What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?"

Post 7922

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

February Stars - Foo Fighters

The Return of "What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?"

Post 7923

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

The Mothers Of Invention - "Hungry Freaks, Daddy" smiley - weird

The Return of "What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?"

Post 7924

Twenty-First Century Schizoid Man

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, by the Beatles.
"a girl with kaleidascope eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyes..."

I wonder what this song is about? read the initials.

The Return of "What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?"

Post 7925

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

Strangely enough also listening to the Beatles - A Day in the Life

The Return of "What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?"

Post 7926

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

smiley - run
The Beatles - "Free As A Bird" smiley - peacedove

The Return of "What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?"

Post 7927

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

That is a rubbish song smiley - nahnah

The Return of "What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?"

Post 7928

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

smiley - cross No it isn't! It's just that most people don't get it. smiley - tongueout

The Return of "What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?"

Post 7929

darakat - Now with pockets!

Driving South - Jimmy Hendrix

The Return of "What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?"

Post 7930

Jane Bane

oof. dammed if i know.

The Return of "What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?"

Post 7931

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Do you have any idea? smiley - biggrin

Coldplay - "The Scientist" smiley - scientist

The Return of "What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?"

Post 7932

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

Snap. Dammit. smiley - tongueout

The Return of "What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?"

Post 7933

Twenty-First Century Schizoid Man

in a gadda da vida, by iron butterfly. lol they were so stoned when they recorded it they couldnt pronounce the name!

"in the garden of eden"

The Return of "What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?"

Post 7934

darakat - Now with pockets!

The other take of Driving south by Jimmy.

The Return of "What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?"

Post 7935

darakat - Now with pockets!

Wow I sure know how to kill a thread... Just becuase I like the song...

The Return of "What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?"

Post 7936

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

David Gray > 'Faster Sooner Now'

smiley - peacedove

The Return of "What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?"

Post 7937

Napnod the (thoughtful) little green sleep monster BSC Econ (Hons)"eek eek eek"

Jayou - Jurassic 5

The Return of "What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?"

Post 7938

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Lambchop - "Is A Woman"

The Return of "What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?"

Post 7939

Hathornefer (ACE) Near miss - isnt that what you'd call a hit

hmmmmm Lambchop smiley - ok

Leonard Cohen - Who by fire

smiley - chick

The Return of "What Music Are You Listening To At This Precise Moment?"

Post 7940


"Sugar Magnolia" Grateful Dead, the England '72 live version

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