A Conversation for Ask h2g2

New year, new subject.

Post 7101

Is mise Duncan

Perhaps they were whelmed by the description?

New year, new subject.

Post 7102

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Thank you for all the feck.
I no longer feel without.
smiley - cheers

Gorm may be olde englishe 'gaum' which meant 'notice'.
Hence, that which is ignored (and by social extension not 'worthy' of notice) is gaumless.
smiley - book

New year, new subject.

Post 7103


TC - Love the rhyme too, can I borrow it?

Whelmed. Hmm, interesting. Whelm means to "to turn (as a dish or vessel) upside down usually to cover something : cover or engulf completely with usually disastrous effect"

So not far off what overwhelmed means. I wonder what the distinction is that requires it!

New year, new subject.

Post 7104


Perhaps the same distinction as flammable / inflammable?

New year, new subject.

Post 7105

A Super Furry Animal

Whilst technically there is no difference between flammable/inflammable, there seems to be a usage that flammable things will burn when you set fire to them (wood, plastics etc.), whereas inflammable materials will go off with a great *whoosh* (petrol, hydrogen gas).

So what is "highly inflammable"?

New year, new subject.

Post 7106


Sorry, that was where I was aiming: a distinction without a difference.

I suppose "highly" inflammable could be along the lines of "bl***y" inflammable, but more readily acceptable.

New year, new subject.

Post 7107

Adele the Divided (h2g2 will be your undoing)

Trillian's Child - This is funny!smiley - laugh

New year, new subject.

Post 7108


New definitions:

Splint - to run very quickly with a broken leg.
Telepathy - cannot be bothered to change TV channels.

Select - I'm sorry I haven't a clue:

New year, new subject.

Post 7109

Mrs Zen

Which reminds me of Hoovooloo's suggestion for the collective noun for chinese prison wardens....

a "correction"....

smiley - run


New year, new subject.

Post 7110

Gnomon - time to move on

smiley - biggrin

New year, new subject.

Post 7111

You can call me TC

Those "definitions" on I'm Sorry I haven't a Clue are great!. I loved "Ramshackle - A male chastity belt". Some of them take a while to sink in!

That old poem about Ruth and the motor bike I think I got from the Reader's Digest when I was about 12!

I think I'm suffering from a surfeit of exclamation marks!

New year, new subject.

Post 7112


Finally found the time to start reading Catch-22.
Found the following on Page 65 a short way down :-
"Engines rolled over disgruntedly...."

Disgruntledly surely? Disgruntedly sounds wrong to my ears. Thoughts?

New year, new subject.

Post 7113

Gnomon - time to move on

It's a mistake on the part of the author.

New year, new subject.

Post 7114

Adele the Divided (h2g2 will be your undoing)

Disgruntedly - it makes me think of a dyspeptic pig!smiley - laugh

New year, new subject.

Post 7115

Mrs Zen

Very like the engines of the planes in Catch 22, in that case - considering that Milo had sold all the oil to the opposition.

smiley - laugh


New year, new subject.

Post 7116

Adele the Divided (h2g2 will be your undoing)

I should read Catch 22 - it sounds great.

New year, new subject.

Post 7117


It is! I'm only about 50 pages in but I am enjoying it. Well. Enjoying is perhaps the wrong word given the subject matter, but it is a good read and dark comedy is very funny.
I have assumed it is a typo of some descript since I have now found on another page the word 'find' when it should have been 'fine'. Am currently trying not to get annoyed by typesetting mistakes smiley - winkeye


Post 7118

Wand'rin star

I inadvertently unsubscribed from this thread (!!) Resubscribing gave me the message that I had 7111 new messages. I'm extremely thankful that I don't have to read that lot.smiley - starsmiley - star (who fondly remembers the first time she read Catch 22- I'd call it seminal)


Post 7119

Gnomon - time to move on

That's 7120 more new messages than I have, then! I've had -7 (minus 7) since the Single Sign On fiasco.smiley - smiley


Post 7120

You can call me TC

Well, what about glitch then? - it's always struck me as a rather funny word.

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