A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Seeing Double

Post 7081

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - holly

Even as we speak people are hanging themselves with their stalkings. NORAD is tracking Santa. And I'm wishing everyone a Merry Crispness and a Joyeux Noel.

smiley - planetsmiley - santa

Seeing Double

Post 7082

turvy (Fetch me my trousers Geoffrey...)

>>NORAD<< (parenthetical translation request)

Hoist by ones own petard ~jfw~

turvysmiley - xmastreesmiley - winkeye

Seeing Double

Post 7083

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

>> Hoist by ones own petard <<

Yay, for I am the very Jean Luc of Petards.
smiley - cheers


To paraphrase a Beatles' tune:
"You Can Work It Out" from there.

smiley - biggrin

Seeing Double

Post 7084

turvy (Fetch me my trousers Geoffrey...)

smiley - cheers

Seeing Double

Post 7085

Adele the Divided (h2g2 will be your undoing)

Thanks for the welcome!smiley - biggrin

Seeing Double

Post 7086

Wand'rin star

Isn't it great that we still have new people joining us?
smiley - starsmiley - star

Seeing Double

Post 7087

Mrs Zen

*waves to 'Star*

That was 'NorAid'

NORAD I associate vaguely with North America and space or missiles or summat.


New year, new subject.

Post 7088

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

I can think of two 'negative' forms which have seem to have no readily apparent positive source.

UNcouth - without a justifying couth?
gormLESS - lacking in gorm?

Are there any others, or any similarly orphaned words?

smiley - cheers

New year, new subject.

Post 7089

Mrs Zen

Oh loads, though I can only think of two at the moment - Bereft and Forecast.

Mind you - I have used couth for years, but I am not sure if that is family affectation or real usage.


New year, new subject.

Post 7090



You are not alone. Frank Muir used the expression "He distinctly lacked couth."
I fancy he also used the verb "to gruntle".

Both of them appear at dictionary.com but I can't get to the OED as have a cat on my knee.

New year, new subject.

Post 7091

Mrs Zen

Oh, my mother spent hours trying to gruntle my father. A sweet and dedicated woman, my mother!


New year, new subject.

Post 7092


An obsolete meaning given for gruntle is to grunt repeatedly.
That obviously applies to fathers but not to mothers. Not even when they are trying to read a newspaper and being addressed by a spouse.

New year, new subject.

Post 7093

Mrs Zen

Though I have certainly had sex with guys who gruntled a lot throughout!

smiley - winkeye


New year, new subject.

Post 7094

You can call me TC

I have heard couth used - although not ever felt the need to do so myself.

We also have ruthless

I rode on my motor bike
Ruth rode aback of me.
I hit a bump at sixty-five
and rode on Ruthlessly

New year, new subject.

Post 7095



Lucky them, I say.
Gruntling, whether mutual or otherwise, seems to be your family trait. 'Tis not so in all families. smiley - sadface

New year, new subject.

Post 7096


(Happy New Year)

Reckless is not a word I'd associate with you although your motor cycling was obviously wreckless.

Dictionary.com gives both "reck" and "ruth" respectively and "take heed" and "compassion".

New year, new subject.

Post 7097



Same source, reft past participle of reave - carry off forcibly. Also possible association with rift.

New year, new subject.

Post 7098



Same source: gorm - axle grease for cart; to daub with grease. Presumably if you haven't the sense to apply any, you are gormless. There appears to be no accolade for being gormful.

New year, new subject.

Post 7099

Mrs Zen

There was a Danish / English King called Gorm the Old, unfortunately his son was not called Gorm the Less.


Actually, reading the page there I get 'interred' which is another one. I know the root is terra, but we don't use it by itself these days.


PS - love the rhyme TC. In Swallows and Amazons, Nancy's real name was Ruth, but the pirates were ruthless, hence the nom de guerre.

New year, new subject.

Post 7100

A Super Furry Animal

Can't remember where I read it, but a character was descibed as "an entirely gorm-free individual".

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