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Protection and rehabilitation of alarm-clocks

Post 1


Mankind created the alarm-clock for his own convenience.
What does he do to it? Swears at it, brutalises it and treats it with total disrespect.
What alarm-clocks need is an association for their protection, rehabilatation and maybe an eventual retirement home.
Please help!

Protection and rehabilitation of alarm-clocks

Post 2

Red Oracle

I have heard that a human body is adjusted to a 25-hour day. If you do not want to wake up in mid-afternoon after a week or so, you just have to be woken by an alarm clock every day. Mankind should be grateful for the existence of such marvelous equipment! smiley - smiley

Protection and rehabilitation of alarm-clocks

Post 3

Cheerful Dragon

If I get up at the same time for a prolonged period, I find that I
wake up before my alarm clock goes off. When it does go off, I just
roll over and hit 'snooze'. I have never sworn at or brutalised an alarm clock. It's not the clock's fault that I have to get up at some ungodly hour. However, I do curse the fact that I have to get up and go to work to earn sufficient money to live in this materialistic world.

So let's have three big cheers for whoever invented the first alarm clock! Where would we be without them?

Protection and rehabilitation of alarm-clocks

Post 4

Mac (Keeper of indecision)

Probably still asleep!
My stereo is also an alarm clock,so I can set it wake me up with some Frames,or Morcheeba.And then fall back asleep after the song.

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