A Conversation for Vout

Displaced person

Post 1


I have now shifted out to K, and the flat in A is getting repaired/done up with a view to sale or ... whatever.

The move took a morning. There is a room full of boxes full of LPs CDs and books.

The two cats are now in the same house with the doors open. They will learn to get on.

Ditto, I suppose, me and S.

It's the end of week 2 of Spring hols. One more week off for the students, then the revision week, then exam fortnight.

I seem to have been nominated for a teaching excellence award. (!)

I doubt that I'll win but I'll look our a posh frock nevertheless.

Not much of a holiday - boxing things up and marking and going up and down stairs carrying stuff. It's awful but I find that my first thought on the first day of any holiday is generally 'I'm so behind.'

K is quite nice. A has gone down the pan. Everything that made it good - my place of employment excluded(but I have to say that) - has been closed or knocked down or turned into a pound shop/bookie/mobile phones unlocked...

kf/dvbsrngip#rnghkcvm og

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