A Conversation for Vout

I got the speakers then I got an Arcam CD player

Post 1


... and I'm thinking about shifting out the good Marantz amp this weekend.

Introducing Miah to Kemnay and to Emmy is proving challenging. Miah has taken to hiding in the allotments of a morning and ignoring my puss puss solicitations - she things she's going to be nabbed and boxed and driven to ane ither catt's domain for a few days.

The thing is, once Emmy realises that she has a visitor, she avoids the house 'til the all-clear gets sounded.

Teaching resumes in a month.

I am reading Rebus and Whisky Galore. Listening to whatever I fancy - it all sounds great on the new set-up. I had my six-monthly haircut this morning. I will spend the night reading and listening to the Tedeschi Trucks Band.

e;grjgr j;grujg;fvjfgjgfiaerui5t95

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I got the speakers then I got an Arcam CD player

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