A Conversation for Vout

1st Jan

Post 1


I was in bed by the back of ten and slept through midnight pretty much about as well as one can sleep through a 30-minute fireworks barrage, which was actually well enough indeed. Miah was out in it but close inspection this morning does not disclose any damage, physical or mental.

I went to K y/day via Inv. The Inv was for shopping. S caught the bus through and we stocked up. There are no buses today so she is in K and I am in A. I have taken some work to do. Will I do it? I have just had eggs and toast for breakfast and there is a big load of washing in the machine. I am reading Hunter S Thompson's letters. HST had some good stuff in him but he had no quality control mechanism. No facility for self-criticism. He is repetitive and clearly believes that what he writes is pure gold, and that he is wonderful for having written it, and everyone must love it therefore him. He writes from an irritating position of 'I have the inside dope on what's really going down'. Sure, this gave us Fear and Loathing but it also gave us a long fag-end career of shorter and shorter crapper and crapper recycling of F&L.

Stockhausen on R3 tonight. Michty! A throwback to the 70s. Hymnen. I shall probs listen.

wef ;irgfi; io r90- wopp]weojgfgsdjoj['][inv

1st Jan

Post 2


A Happy New Year to you and S.
Also a happy new knee to S.

PJ is fine. Offspring has a good job in Embra and has bought a flat in Leith. I'm getting old and slowing down.

Agree with you about HST. F&L is sui generis and appealed to me as a young adult (and I can still quote extensively from it). I think his finest piece of journalism is F&L On the Campaign Trail, about the '72 presidential campaign. After that he became more and more a caricature of himself.

Wishes for a better 2016 for both of you


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