This is the Message Centre for skeptic by nature

Welcome and if you don't mind my spelling I wont mind yours...

Post 1

Shoal Prexy, ACE, all around nice guy, and keeper of the towels

HELLO. This is Shoal Prey here. I am an ACE, Newly appointed. An ACE is an Assistant Community Editor. Which means we go around feeling special and welcoming new people to the site of sites, H2G2. I am hear to answer any questions you might have and tell you a little about H2G2. My favorite thing to tell the masses about are of course the Smileys. My Favorite Smiley is the towel smileysmiley - towel. If you click on this little guy he will bring you to a list of all currently avalible smileys and how to add them. Don't be donted(spelling?) by the word Researcher. If you want to put in something that makes no sence great. If you want to put in something of Value all the better. Your main page is just your personal space to do with as you will. IF you want to look at my space click on my name above. Then there are articles. There are to kinds of these edited and nonedited. If you want to add one go to the bottom left of your page and look for the link, add a new entry to the guide. After you are done and think it warrents merit click the sumit for review link in the top right hand of the page. I think thats a good start any questions click the link below this to ask anything at all. Here are a couple things you might want to check out. - The Newcomers' Page - The ACEs' Homepage
Shoal Prexy, ACE smiley - towel

Welcome and if you don't mind my spelling I wont mind yours...

Post 2


And a big welcome from me, your friendly wizard.

smiley - cheersIf you click on 'Who's Online' you can see the researchers names, clicking any of these will take you to their 'Space' where you can see what they have contributed to H2G2. There is no restriction to looking at researchers 'Spaces' and you can do so at any time (even if they are not on line). Feel free to join in any thread.

If you want to see how a page is constructed, replace the 'U' in front of the researcher number with 'testuserspace' e.g. U172782 becomes testuserspace172782 .
For entries just replace the 'A' with test e.g. test712595.
You can click on anything underlined and if you click on a smiley (as Shoal Prexy said), you will be instantly transported to the smiley page where you will see all the smileys you can use. Some of the smileys on my page are links, so clicking on them will show you some of my contributions to h2g2. I use classic goo (the original colour of the h2g2 site before the beeb took over)

Alji, smiley - zensmiley - wizard of the Red Dragon (Swynwr y Ddraig Goch) (conducting a sun sign poll @ A712595)smiley - surfer(Member of The H2G2 Guild of Wizards @ U197895 looking for wiz kids to join, though you don't have to be a wiz kid just know a bit about some subject that you think will be of interest to others or just bore the pants off them. This is an equal opportunities space open to all sexes, ages and abilities)

Welcome and if you don't mind my spelling I wont mind yours...

Post 3


Oops I made a boo boo!
You need to type 'testuserpage', not 'testuserspace'. So the URL you'll need to test Rocket Man's user page (for example) is -

Alji smiley - zensmiley - wizard(Member of The Guild of Wizards @ U197895)smiley - surfer

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