A Conversation for Weapons Development

Terranic Army Signup

Post 1


If u r a member of the terranic army then signup here to help develop the weapons which the terranic army will use.

Brigadeer Spook

Terranic Army Signup

Post 2


I formally Sign the agreement between the Spook Corp and the Terranic Army.
General Terran smiley - earth

Terranic Army Signup

Post 3

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

As a result I will join the development team.

Terranic Army Signup

Post 4


glad to see u both here. the spook corp is very proud to have u. altho we do deal with other armies, we charge them for our services. u get them for free, and so far we have not begun giving services to other armies.

captain rimmer, i think me and the general both need to know that if we declared war on the potatoe army, then would u be fighting for them, or for us?

Brigadeer Spook

Terranic Army Signup

Post 5

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

I'll deal with that when that day arrives, IF it arrives.

Terranic Army Signup

Post 6


it will in the end.

Brigadeer Spook

Terranic Army Signup

Post 7


I am considering an alliance with the Potatoe army. I was wondering what you would think of it.

Terran smiley - earth

Terranic Army Signup

Post 8


an alliance - brilliant. it would also give me a chance to get some of their guys developing potato weapons. briliant idea.

Brigadeer Spook

Terranic Army Signup

Post 9

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

I will do anything to make it happen General!

Terranic Army Signup

Post 10


Rimmer, If you could persuade Snowman to form an alliance (maybe there could be seperate page for that) that would be great (maybe we could get some more of his me on our side, though I would be cautious about merging the Armies)

General Terran smiley - earth

Terranic Army Signup

Post 11


HIS MEN, that is not HIS ME

Terranic Army Signup

Post 12


i'm just gonna propose tha lliance now, i'll give u the thread once i've posted it rimmer for u to add ur support of the alliance.

Terranic Army Signup

Post 13


ok rimmer, the alliance proposition thread is at F78193?thread=206166 . if u'd like to add ur support of the alliance that would be helpful.

Brigadeer Spook

Terranic Army Signup

Post 14


I've just had a thought. Rimmer do you know if any of the members of the potatoe army are Members of the League of Thundercats as well?

General Terran smiley - earth

Terranic Army Signup

Post 15


Terranic Army Signup

Post 16


i don't think so. i think it's just VIP from us.

Brigadeer Spook

Terranic Army Signup

Post 17

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

Would we fight the potatoe army's enemies as well?

Terranic Army Signup

Post 18


of course. it's an alliance.

Brigadeer Spook

Terranic Army Signup

Post 19


If they fight ours, we fight they'res.

General Terran smiley - earth

Terranic Army Signup

Post 20


Your not defecting are you Brigadeer Spook (or at least Spook Corp.)?

General Terran smiley - earth

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