A Conversation for Weapons Development

I don't work cheap

Post 1


War: I'll not be volunteering, but if you have an open position for a consultant... This is the latest rifle from Horsemen Tek - The Mark VII MinSing, it is a long range Micro Singularity Projector... in lamens terms it propels (ok, actually it creates a synced attractor at the target location, but lets not get into symantics) .03457*Quark Gravitational Singularities.... ummm.... wait.... lamens terms.... it shoots really really small blackholes that pass through any physical matter like a .50 Deagle round through butter....

||========== Liability Disclaimer ===========||
***Horsemen Tek is not liable for any damage cause to the fabric of space time due to over use.

***Frequency of dimensional collapse are within regulated probability.

***Do not operate near focused gravitational fields.

***Removal of any part of the exterior case voids warrenty.

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I don't work cheap

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