This is the Message Centre for Terran that's all folks!
Terran Started conversation Feb 28, 2012
Well I guess it's time to say my good byes. I think I've done everything I can in this place, and have come back so often that it's probably a bit of a joke - but I intend this to be the last time. In reality I've been gone for a while. I've become far too unreliable for this place, and I fear I've either annoyed or just generally frustrated people to the point they don't care any more, so it's as well that I think I should leave it there - as frankly I don't want to let anyone else down.
Before I did go though, I wanted to leave some last comments, in case anyone does pop by.
First of all I've gained a lot from this site, I've gained real friends from this place. I've become more knowledgeable, I've enjoyed writing stories, and poetry and well lots of things - things I don't think I would have had the opportunity to else where.
When I first came here this place (under the BBC as it was at the time) felt a little like entering a debating chamber in ancient Greece. Every word I posted had a reply, every person was excited to be here. It just simply oozed energy, and I was very excited by it all. It's addictive that stuff when it really gets in to your system. I felt like I was part of something really great.
I created groups. I played around with web pages using GuideML. I wrote lots. I debated lots. I became part of what felt like massive revolutions - the reality of which is debatable - but they felt huge at the time. I was an ACE, I was a Scout, I was an Under Guide Miner, I was a Post Reporter, Post Sub-Ed, I edited the Fiction section. For a time myself and HPB maintained the Fiction Central.
I created voice for my story as an audio book which then went in to being an Aviators project. I defended h2g2 to the hilt. I felt like I had to return for every revolution. But I ran out. Ran out of energy for hootoo. It became too much hard work to deal with people. The place changed, as I have changed. It's not the place it was. And that's not the reason I've left. Because change ultimately can be a good thing.
I suffer from anxiety, and have a bit of a guilt complex - and often see problems where there are none - so my perception that I've upset or annoyed people may or may not be accurate. I just know I now find it exhausting. The fact that I don't voice these concerns probably makes it worse, but not withstanding I can't promise h2g2 any more of my time. I can't commit anything to h2g2.
The last thing I contributed to h2g2 was just before I started teaching again - a very time consuming job. I'd committed to help here. And I was mortified when I realised I couldn't help any more. And have stayed quiet ever since.
So I guess it's time to say toodleloo to you all. But not before I thank a few people.
To V.I.P you were a wonderful ACE and very patient with a newbie - I wouldn't have done as much here without you!
To Shazz, B'el and all the post team - thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to contribute so much to the site. I learned so much about writing and editing from working with you guys. It truely was a privilege.
To Rich (skanky or otherwise) thank you for having so much patience with my audio book - I know we didn't finish our plans, but what we did finish I'm deeply proud of. And of course for everything else!
Awix - for your support in the post, and Doctor Who conversations!
To all the members of the Terranic Army - Reefgirl, Ralph the Wonder Llama, Dr Anthea, Friendlywithteeth, Jedi Jade, Shoal Prexy, Spook, AJ Rimmer... and so so many more - I salute you!
To all the gang at the Boardroom of Evil - many of whom are gone - you're also awesome - that Daedelus game was epic!
To the members of the Evil Army of H2G2 - it just wouldn't have been the same guys.
To Clive the Flying Ostrich - apart from being an all round great chap, is also the holder of the keys to Story Time - finish part 3 for us will you?
To HPB - yeah I know, didn't ever get back to that Fiction Central did I?
To tonsilsrevenge - for discovering my mad story and putting it in the agggagcac - My h2g2 would have been very different without you!
And to lots of other frankly awesome people - whom if I've forgotten you I truely apologise, but I'm rambling on here so...
Anyway goodbye you lot - and thanks for all the fish! that's all folks!
Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA! Posted Feb 28, 2012 that's all folks!
Awix Posted Feb 29, 2012
If this is indeed the end, then thank you. Be well and enjoy life. that's all folks!
Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired Posted Jan 9, 2016
Traveller in Time searching long lists of names
" And from all those Researchers you found me to be online.
B'el is also not completely away as are many others.
To does not have to mean you do not
or post, it can also be just the occasional posting
See you around every now and then "
Key: Complain about this post that's all folks!
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