This is the Message Centre for Hypatia


Post 1


So, how the heck is everyone? Well and happy, I hope.


Post 2

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

smiley - bubbly woohoo and yeap! smiley - bubbly


Post 3


Hello again Hypatia,

How are you which is more to the point? Good to see you around again.

Personally I am quite well but overworked and underpaid (well not paid at all actually as it is all for me!) but progressing. After years of neglect my house is beginning to look how I always wanted it, though the bank balance is looking correspondingly sick

Look forward to hearing how you are doing since you peeped in so shyly smiley - rofl

smiley - cheers

Websailor smiley - dragon


Post 4


Heya, dear friend and librariany colleague! How lovely to see you again!


Post 5

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!


Post 6

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

What's going on! My last post is empty and the other has the wrong smilys

Gad smiley - erm

RJR smiley - smiley


Post 7

Witty Moniker

It's nice to see you around, Hyp. smiley - hug


Post 8

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

Well it's good to see that's sorted out smiley - biggrin


Post 9

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

I'm pretty good, on the whole. How have you been?

TRiG.smiley - badger


Post 10

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Oh, same old same old. Nice to see a post from you smiley - biggrin Sup!


Post 11


Still alive, no matter what. smiley - biggrin

How are you?


Post 12


Dear Hyp.

Well where have you been? Perhaps on holiday?

When are you crossing the pond again to visit us dear Madame President?

I remember with such pleasure the visit you and Teucher paid to me.
at least my memory is coming back with the wonderful exercises I do every day. !!

With much affection.


Monday 16th April 2012 15.25 GMT


Post 13


Well dear friend, if you knew how mamy problems I have had, and how many t imes the messages I have written have disappeared down the - well I do not know where they go to.

so here goes to you. even though I do not think we have met before , may I say hi to you and all good wishes.

A very ancient member who joined at the beginning of the century and had a wonderful photograph taken by an excellent photographer at the first social event ever held in Hyde Park I think it was. I was already in my wheelchair then......

With all good wishes,

AlsoRan 83

Monday 16th April. 2012 15.30 GMT


Post 14


*waves to everyone*

I'm doing okay. The mad exhibit/programming cycle at work has slowed down considerably. I enjoy doing it, but I wore myself out. It seems strange not to have an exhibit deadline hanging over my head. We have an art show right now, then summer reading runs June - August. But we've completely revamped our approach to that, and it will be quite a lot less work this year. Then nothing formal is planned until November when I'll do my Doomsday exhibit. That will be fun.

I have started planning our Centennial, which will kick off in November of 2013. That seems a ways off, but we have some fairly ambitious plans.

I'm putting out a veggie garden as always. That is a lot of work, but it actually relaxes me. And I'm doing a bit of landscaping, planting a rose garden. The winter was incredibly mild. Things are ahead of their normal schedule. That includes the weeds, unfortunately. I had to start mowing in February. That's just crazy.

I finally got around to replacing the almond tree that was taken out in the last ice storm. And I planted two English walnuts. You need a pollinator. I've never grown them before, but I sure buy a lot of them for salads and baking. The black walnuts, whch are native here, cause my mouth to break out, so I don't use them any longer. Eventually I should save a bundle by having my own trees. With the dogs in the back yard now keeping the squirrels away, I'm actually able to collect the pecans from my tree. Now if I could keep the birds from raiding the cherries and berries, I'd be all set.

Let's see, I'm still collecting mystery series on DVD. The latest is A Touch of Frost. I'd seen some of the episodes on TV. I haven't watched the entire series yet. I'm up to Season 10. It's well done with intelligent plots. (Still smarting over the money I wasted on Bergerac.) I've been ordering the Midsomer Murders from Amazon.UK, which means I get them literally years sooner than waiting for the Acorn releases in the US. I'll get the newest Lewis series before it's shown on PBS here. That region free DVD player was a great investment.

Baseball season is in full swing. This makes me a happy camper. I'm not necessarily expecting a repeat of last year's World Series win, but I'm pleased with the team this year. We have a lot of talented players, and they'll make a respectable showing. And last season proved that it ain't over till it's over. The sports pundits aren't giving us much of a chance again, but then they never do. They're so obsessed with the teams on the coasts that smaller market teams in between pretty much get ignored. All I know is that the run we made in September and then the post season was the most fun I've had for a long time.


Post 15


Hi Christiane, it's lovely to hear from you again. I, too, remember that lovely afternoon we spent together with Teuchter. How is your son doing? And are you still writing your memoirs?



Post 16


Hi my very dear friend, Hypatia,

You make me feel tired you do so much. !!

Yes, I am still in the flat but I had a bit of a wobble when I somehow just "forgot " to taken my medication.

I think I shall have to move and I want to move closer to Keith. As he is near Hastings, another lovely port with an enormous amount of history and where I used to drive him to surf when we lived inland, I think it will be much better. He has made such a dramatic recovery it is really wonderful.

Keep well my very dear friend,

With much affection

Christiane and Keith.
*AlsoRan83 - I shall be 84 next month and my cardiac physician says I shall live tp be a 100 - I wonder if I want to!!!
Monday 16th April, 2012 16.01 GMT


Post 17

Baron Grim

It's great to have you back here, Hypatia. Don't hide for so long next time.


Post 18

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

i'm entering my 9th week in hospital/nursing care, with about 6 weeks to go. i have developed one-handed typing skills and have read loads of books on my kindle, and eaten some very incongruous meals (see journals).

it's so good to see you back on h2g2!


Post 19

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Welcome home, Hyp smiley - hug

I hope you are well rested smiley - zen

lil xx


Post 20

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

You've probably already seen this news elsewhere...

The paper clan now has a housesmiley - boing

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