This is the Message Centre for Hypatia

The play's the thing...

Post 101


Rant away. smiley - silly Rants are always welcome in my journals. Lord knows I've made plenty of them myself. It's hard not to rant about subjects of special interest and concern to us. And you've almost convinced me that I was premature to threaten to not renew my membership this year. smiley - winkeye

Right. This journal started with a report about the play. It should end with one. The evening was a mixed bag. The meal was great and the cast did a good job under difficult circumstances. Everyone who attended was complimentary and went home with a smile on their faces. But the attendance was poor. It is too much work for the amount of financial return. So the president of the Friends of the Library and I had a heart to heart and we both think this year needs to be the last one. Next year I have a large exhibit coming that will be displayed from October 1 through January 1. This means we won't have the space to do a dinner theater next year. Skipping one year will make it easier to just cancel the whole thing.

The play's the thing...

Post 102

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

The smiley - cheese it was veeerrry nice toooo! smiley - mouse

Seriously, I think you have done well to carry on these plays for so long. Well done, Hyp! smiley - bubblysmiley - applause

*bashes sombrero back into shape, and wanders back to the mousehole*

Underlay, underlay!! smiley - run

The play's the thing...

Post 103


Thanks, Lil. smiley - blush

The audience loved the mice! smiley - biggrin

The play's the thing...

Post 104

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned


We heard themmmm squeeeal their appreeeciation smiley - mouse

smiley - tongueout

The play's the thing...

Post 105

Rev Nick

Many posts to browse, not enough time. I hope the play did go well. Being back 'in-country', I'll find you on the morrow. G'night to this one.

The play's the thing...

Post 106

Spaceechik, Typomancer

I'm so glad it turned out well for the attendees, and commiserate that attendance was poor. Even when you've had a lot of fun doing it, there comes a time when it's too much for too little. smiley - hug

Last event my non-profit group did was at the Columbia Memorial Education Center, which has taken over part of the old Rockwell plant in Downey CA where they built the space shuttles. Can't get a much cooler venue for space talks, and yet we only had 6 attendees who weren't on our board. smiley - sadface It's hard to do the planning and work when no one seems to appreciate them. It takes months of work getting speakers, and timing the venues we line up with when they'll be available.

Fortunately, we get a much larger attendance -- SRO -- at the space talks we've given at SciFi conventions (which we will continue to do, as those a blast for US!)

The play's the thing...

Post 107

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

Sorry you're having to cancel this event in future years, Hyp, but glad the last one ended up going well despite the poor attendance.

The play's the thing...

Post 108


Perhaps we could find a better place to hold it than the library itself. The city has a newly purchased building that was used as a church for quite a long time. It has an actual stage area. And it's only a block away. We could feed them here and walk down there for the play. Or perhaps even feed them there, too. At any rate, we're going to consider it.

It's one of those situations where I'm both happy and sad to end them.

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