This is the Message Centre for Hypatia

Santa is watching

Post 21


I don't beleive in santa. smiley - tongueout He's just a story big people tell to scare little people.

Santa is watching

Post 22

Lady Chattingly

Not in this house. This house believes. smiley - santasmiley - biggrinsmiley - reindeer

Santa is watching

Post 23


Methinks one uses the term "believes" rather loosely.


Santa is watching

Post 24

Lady Chattingly

Probably, but I have grandkids, so I must believe in Santa--at least for a few more years. smiley - biggrin

Santa is watching

Post 25


Haven't you been listening? Cheech and Chong gave us some good real information about Santa....

smiley - evilgrin

Would anyone like to know why there is an smiley - angel on top of the christmas tree?

smiley - whistle

Santa is watching

Post 26

Lady Chattingly

Sure, Xantief, why is there an smiley - angel on top of the Christmas tree?

Santa is watching

Post 27

Titania (gone for lunch)

*sits down comfortably, looks at Xantief with anticipation, wanting to see someone tell the story of the smiley - xmastreesmiley - angel without alerting the smiley - bleep filter* smiley - tongueout

Santa is watching

Post 28


Child's play for a sneaky ol' word-herder. It's a good story and deserves appropriate embellishment. More later....smiley - angel

smiley - evilgrin

Santa is watching

Post 29


smiley - yikes - there isn't an smiley - angel on top of the smiley - xmastree. There is a star smiley - star. Period. Everything else is dead wrong smiley - winkeye.

Santa is watching

Post 30


There IS an smiley - angel...and she's there for a reason...

Santa is watching

Post 31


I don't beleive she's there. She's a myth made up to manipulate children. smiley - evilgrin

Santa is watching

Post 32



[kinda's in my journal]

Santa is watching

Post 33

Lady Chattingly

Loved it! I have a smiley - star for the top of the smiley - xmastree, but I may just have to put an smiley - angel there this year. smiley - biggrin Six more days till the smiley - xmastree goes up.

Santa is watching

Post 34


Very funny story, Xantief! smiley - rofl

Waves and dashes back out mumbling busy, busy, busy under her breath.

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