This is the Message Centre for Hypatia

Something to Enjoy

Post 1


I don't suppose there is any way to know for sure, but I bet I have more truly talented, creative friends than anyone on h2g2. And since you are such a creative lot, I want to remind you again about the Under Guide and the Alternative Writing Workshop.

If you haven't been over to the AWW for a while, then you're missing out on some really interesting writing. Granted, not everything there is a work of art. But there are lots of things to enjoy. I think you'll be surprised by the variety of the offerings.

If any of you are looking for a rewarding volunteer opportunity then the Under Guide is where you need to be. The UG is currently recruiting both Miners and Gem Polishers. For information about Miners see A1092494 and A1092539. For information about Polishing see A1092548 and A1092575.

If you don't have time to volunteer then how about reading and commenting about the submissions in the AWW? Or better yet, put some of your own work in the AWW for the rest of us to enjoy. Poetry, fiction, memoirs, vignettes, satire - all those things that are not suitabe for the Edited Guide can find a home in the AWW. And if the Under Guide selects your submission, it will be featured on the Front Page.

I'm tired of the gloom and doom that has been around lately. This is still a great site. The way to keep it that way is for talented researchers to write and contribute. Working with the UG is a great way to do both. And you can sign up for it right here.


Something to Enjoy

Post 2


'ning smiley - smiley

Every new contributions pops up on my PS, but alas, for the time being I just have to leave them unread and uncommented.

But it's true. A lot of the writing is worth reading and contemplating.

smiley - smiley

Something to Enjoy

Post 3

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

Even Had something there once, so i'm going to look again later on to-day

cheers hypsmiley - smiley

Something to Enjoy

Post 4

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

I've submitted three items to the AWW and do occasionally pop over there to read other people's work. It's always interesting. smiley - smiley


Something to Enjoy

Post 5


smiley - smiley

Something to Enjoy

Post 6


Hi Hyp.
How about 'information on how to find the Under Guide' I don't know my way about h2g2 yet.

Something to Enjoy

Post 7


Hi Jazz. Try this page. A1103329 It will tell you about the UG.

And look on the Front Page every week for a new offering. The stories/poems/articles change on Friday.

There was a rather good Halloween story featured last week. smiley - blush

Something to Enjoy

Post 8


Hyp.,Thanks love


Something to Enjoy

Post 9


You're welcome. smiley - biggrin

I hope that browsing through the AWW inspires everyone to write something themselves. smiley - ok

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