A Conversation for Ironworkers

Peer Review: A806870 - Ironworkers

Post 1

Researcher Shadowchaser

Entry: Ironworkers - A806870
Author: Researcher Shadowchaser - U200778

A short description on the Ironworker trade. Please comment on any changes that you see needs to be made. Thanks!

A806870 - Ironworkers

Post 2

Bels - an incurable optimist. A1050986

This is a good entry. It needs a bit of subbing work (paragraphs, headers, typos, that sort of stuff) which shouldn't be a problem.

Interesting and informative. I like it.


A806870 - Ironworkers

Post 3


"..a major source of pride for the populace of each country that they resided in."

I think this sentance needs a bit of re-working. Only residents reside and I hardly think you can call a building a resident. Makes it sound as if they can get up and go and reside somewhere else.

The concept of writing the entry as someone from a place other than earth grates a bit. At the moment the only known inhabitants of the universes are on planet earth, therefore the writer must be from the planet earth. The context seems a bit odd; regardless of what DNA wrote. That was fiction, the Edited Guide is fact.

Otherwise a nice entry. A useful insight into the contruction of large buildings.



A806870 - Ironworkers

Post 4

Researcher Shadowchaser

I've adjusted the format a touch and added a little more about the Union aspect (don't wish to go into any great detail on Unions as that should be a separate entry IMHO). Let me know what you think.


A806870 - Ironworkers

Post 5

Researcher Shadowchaser

Thank you for the kind words. I do have to disagree with you on the part of speaking "from a place other than earth." It is and will be my intent to make my entries into the guide so that they may be long term and as I believe that our civilization will continue to venture into the frontiers of our universe I feel that this is appropriate. I do not feel that we are alone in God's creation but that there are others out there. It is merely a matter of finding them. Nothing that I have placed into this entry is fiction and as such I feel that it is indeed appropriate to place it in the manner written. It gives location, it's not as if I were to say that ironworking actually came into being on the 14th planet of the Alpha Centauri Prime system.

Reside means to
1 a : to be in residence as the incumbent of a benefice or office b : to dwell permanently or continuously : occupy a place as one's legal domicile
2 a : to be present as an element or quality b : to be vested as a right

and as such I feel that the context of it was in fact correct according to #2 from the above quote from Merriam-Websters Collegiate Dictionary. I will not argue this point either but I will and have changed it to possibly read better. Please let me know what you think.

Thank you again,

A806870 - Ironworkers

Post 6

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

I have to agree that the weird 'other than Earth' perspective is a little off-putting. In fact, I stopped reading the article after reading the description of where Earth is in the solar system. There is such a thing as torturing the reader! If it's written in English, we have to assume that everybody knows where the Earth is. If it was written in an alien language, then the form would be more appropriate.

However, it's perfectly acceptable to do it in a humorous way!

A806870 - Ironworkers

Post 7

Gnomon - time to move on

Throughout the entry you refer to ironworkers as "men and women". Are there in fact any women who do this job? Were there in the heyday of skyscraper construction?

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Post 8

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Post 9

Gnomon - time to move on


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