This is the Message Centre for Loup Dargent

The Return of Loup Dargent ...

Post 1

Loup Dargent

Darn... It has been such a long time since I've last posted on here that I almost forgot how to use this thing...smiley - yikes
It even took me quite a while to remember my correct login details but I didn't panic [not too much anyway] and eventually got in [kind of obvious but hey it's my journal..smiley - whistle]...smiley - bubbly

Yes, it has been a long time and, while some unexpected technical problems did stop me from visiting this corner of the Net a lot of times, I do feel I should apologise for my long silence anyway...

I'll go through the backlog asap and try to reply to as many postings as possible during the next few days...

It's good to be back though... smiley - winkeye

Stay tuned...

Loupsmiley - fullmoon

The Return of Loup Dargent ...

Post 2

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

Woohoooo!!!! smiley - biggrinsmiley - bubblysmiley - magic Welcome back smiley - smiley

I was just thinking of you yesterday! I was reminiscing about my first week on h2 and a thread I started in How Do I? about should I be worried about all the dishes piling up, and what would happen when I ran out of food.

You and Mr Manda came along and gave me some very fine advice smiley - laugh

smiley - cheers

The Return of Loup Dargent ...

Post 3

Loup Dargent

Thanks...smiley - tasmiley - bubbly

Re: dishes etc... Blimey, that brings back memories smiley - laugh

(Hmmmm... That could be a great testimony for a spoof "sale letter" as well...smiley - winkeye)

I really honestly thought that I would only be away for a few weeks... It feels weird coming back after all that time and trying to catch up with things.
I've learned a lot during my time away though, so it might benefit the Buffy related project I've mentioned last year...

Oh yeah, I will start blogging soon as well by the way...smiley - whistle But I will talk about that later on as it's somehow linked to a certain soon to be launched eZine...smiley - wow

Talk soon...smiley - ale

Loupsmiley - fullmoon

The Return of Loup Dargent ...

Post 4

Reality Manipulator

smiley - cheersHi Loup, good to see you back.smiley - smiley I have not been back long myself as I have had been having lots of problems with my pc (viruses etc) which meant I got another pc (0nly the bottom part as the monitor was smiley - ok, with this one I rarely ever get pop ups.smiley - smiley

Kat The Thinker smiley - zen

The Return of Loup Dargent ...

Post 5

VampireMike is back and ready to unleash HELL!!!

Well....I've been away on and off myself for a long time lol smiley - biggrin

The Return of Loup Dargent ...

Post 6


loup! Great to see you around again smiley - cheers
You've been missed.

The [Postponed] Return of Loup Dargent ...

Post 7

Loup Dargent

Thanks guys...smiley - cheers

Unfortunately it seems that I'm going to be PC-less for a while, that is until I get a new tower...smiley - doh

It should not take too long [around 2 weeks] if everything goes as planned... If not, then it might take as long as 4/5 weeks...smiley - yikes

Hmmph!!! Not the best timing at all...smiley - grr Especially with some of the things I was supposed to work on [on Hootoo and outside Hootoo]...smiley - wah

I'm sure, one day, I'll laugh about it... maybe...smiley - erm

I'll try to go to the local Internet cafe as much as possible and update you on my progress towards a TOTAL return...smiley - ok?

Feel free to post messages in here... I might not be able to reply to them but I'll read them at any opportunity I'll get...smiley - biggrin

Stay tuned...

loupsmiley - fullmoon

The [Postponed] Return of Loup Dargent ...

Post 8

JINTY. ...back in circulation again

hi loup
sorry to hear about your disaster hope it wont be topo long before your back in circulation
i would go mad if anything happened to mine and i only use it for enjoyment
hurry back

The [Postponed] Return of Loup Dargent ...

Post 9

Loup Dargent

At least I can still lurk on here smiley - biggrin so I'm not having too much withdrawing symptoms [yet]...
It's probably my fault for having postponed the long overdue upgrading of my PC too many times...
On a plus note, a new tower=a more powerful and quicker PC... So it might be a blessing in disguise after all...smiley - smiley
Talk soon...
loupsmiley - fullmoon

The [total?] Return of Loup Dargent ...

Post 10

Loup Dargent

So far so good...smiley - bubbly

Even so the shop where I saw the tower I wanted was closed everytime I went there, I've managed to get one eventually somewhere else... Not as powerful as the one I originally wanted but hey it was cheaper and got more memory than mine anyway [not that difficult] so, as an emergency, it will definitely do the trick...smiley - cool

I'm still going to have to spend some time on it as I want to download my favourite browser and anti-virus plus other things that I need... once I've managed to find the links for them again that is.[smiley - doh]

But, at leat, I'm not PC-less anymore...smiley - cracker

Results!!!! smiley - bubbly

Talk soon...smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

The [total?] Return of Loup Dargent ...

Post 11

Loup Dargent

At least even...smiley - blush

The [total?] Return of Loup Dargent ...

Post 12


smiley - cheers

The [total?] Return of Loup Dargent ...

Post 13

Loup Dargent

smiley - cheers

I must admit that, until I found the second hand shop where this tower was, I really thought that I would have to wait another four weeks before being able to get one [the ones I saw were all too expensive for my budget]... So, I'm definitely in a better mood now...smiley - bubbly

I'll have to spend my next night off trying to hunt back some nifty links for some potential articles for The Post... The one about a Dr Who Fan-Movie [a la "Fluffy The English Vampire Slayer"] being quite err timely somehow...smiley - winkeyesmiley - cool

Ouch!!!! I'm being bitten by the writing bug again...smiley - whistle

loupsmiley - fullmoon

The [total?] Return of Loup Dargent ...

Post 14

St Romani Angel Guardian of Crystals. Minister of Coffee now on the decaff!!

hi loupsmiley - biggrin

nice to hear from you again and don't worry your not the only one thats been away from this site a long time toosmiley - winkeye

I've been on and off like no business but the trouble is I seem to be away from here more than I'm here latelysmiley - yikes

romismiley - angel

The [total?] Return of Loup Dargent ...

Post 15


Hey dude, how are you. I have just came on the site today. Didnt know you had gone lol
How have ye been?

The [Delayed Once Again] Return of Loup Dargent ...

Post 16

Loup Dargent

It seems that I'm going to be PC-less again for another three weeks smiley - wah
The hard drive appears to have unformatted itself...smiley - yikes
Just when I got almost all my links back! Am I cursed or what?
At least the machine will be upgraded as well as being fixed... So it's not all bad news thankfully.
Talk soon...
Loupsmiley - fullmoon

The [Long Overdue] Return of Loup Dargent ...

Post 17

Loup Dargent

Third time lucky? Time will tell I suppose...smiley - whistle

Another PC-related problem right now would definitely be a disaster though as I've finally managed to crack it regarding that "other project out there on the Net" that I'm working on...smiley - yikes

Of course, while I was away from h2g2, the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" and "Batman Begins" movies came out and we had the new "Dr Who" TV series and two entries I collaborated to got edited...smiley - bubbly

[I couldn't even post anything about it...smiley - wahsmiley - wah]

Hmmmm... It's going to take a little while going back into the flow of things on here after that long absence, but, fingers crossed, I should re-appear tomorrow and start doing things again...smiley - cool

Talk soon...smiley - ale

Loupsmiley - fullmoon

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