A Conversation for Talking Point: Things you were told when young


Post 121

badger party tony party green party

No its because Im English, and I was a kid men round my way drank pints or sprits and it was always from a glass. When the new fancy foreign beers like sol in bottles came in it was judged as unnatural and to be honest my thinking hasnt moved on from there.smiley - smiley

smiley - rainbow


Post 122


touché! feel very similar to you!

however, i just realised how easy it is to get off track and turn an interesting convo about challenging topics into a usual friday night brawl! back to the topic at hand!

smiley - cheers

P.s. bring back tankards!(much more fun than pint glasses!)


Post 123

AK - fancy that!


and how do you know it is the word of god?
smiley - erm

smiley - winkeye


Post 124

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

<< Despite so many protestations and demonstrations of bravery christians will always fall back on a few discriminantly chosen words to back up everything even if what they do today contradicts what they said yesterday.>>
Gives a f'rinstance!smiley - biggrin
OK, I admit, I am a Christian because I like it. (But also because I believe it's true.)


Post 125

badger party tony party green party

Yeah but what's true and what isnt? If you like have a look at this entry and have a think about who gave us the bible and why so many "versions" of it abound and why even within those versions even different gospels contradict each other about the events in Jesus' life?

smiley - football is a better medium for teaching children about good standards in life. It is immediate and can be viewed by the observer without the possibilty for intermediaries tainting the story. It has faults within it and those who play and control it, but it does not claim to be perfect and does not condemn those who are not and only deals with the indescretion without eternally damning the transgressor. Plus it keeps you fit.

smiley - rainbow


Post 126

badger party tony party green party

smiley - sorry forgot to put the link in here you go:

smiley - rainbow


Post 127

badger party tony party green party

Ignore all of the two previous posts as they were meant for a very similar but different thread.smiley - rainbow


Post 128


Hi Blicky,

Wrong thread or not, they were more relevant than some of the previous posts. smiley - smiley


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