A Conversation for The Summerhouse of Hati

Rimmer's room

Post 1

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

This room is mainly distinguished by all the no-smoking signes everywere.

Rimmer's room

Post 2


*a note flies in from the window*

Hi, AJR! I wait you on the veranda. Hati

Rimmer's room

Post 3

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

*Walks in, gets undressed and falls asleep on the bed, muttering something about a miss mcRuder*

Rimmer's room

Post 4

Researcher 168814


Hallo? If you´d like breakfast it´s always available in the kitchen you know?

*hears nothing for the moment...*

*goes on to the next room...*

Rimmer's room

Post 5



*enters, looks around*

smiley - magic

Now, this is clean!
*puts some daffodils in the vase and leaves*

Rimmer's room

Post 6

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

*the roof over the bed is filled with coins that have been projectiled and now are stuck there*

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