A Conversation for Talking Point - Food for Comfort

Chocoloate, chocolate, chocolate

Post 1


Well, what else could it be?
I always keep some chocolate in the fridge - Cadbury's Dairy Milk & Tesco's finest 72% cocoa solids. Usually the dark choc is what I go for, topped off with a glass of cold milk.
There are various theories about the appeal of chocolate: the sensation of melting in the mouth, the caffeine, the sugar.
I think there is also something in the theory that your body demands what it needs to have a good balanced diet. It's just that we don't always heed the demand, especially if the motive is solace rather than sustenance.

However, I do have one alternative treat - fresh crusty bread and butter. smiley - cheerup

Chocoloate, chocolate, chocolate

Post 2

Fate Amenable To Change

Ah hah! You too find it necessary to have both a savoury and a sweet food to turn to!
Yes chocolate. dark chocolate. Dark Chocolate Ice cream. Bourbon Biscuits.
I have outlined on a different thread my feeling for Olives. But it was in association with a comfort drink (martini). Otherwise
-cheese and salady stuff is anothe fave of mine. And since getting a bread maker fresh bread with lashing of butter and marmite.. Drooool

Chocoloate, chocolate, chocolate

Post 3


Chocolate was once considered an aphrodesia, an acient egyptian used to drink 30 cups of melted chocolate a day.

Chocoloate, chocolate, chocolate

Post 4


Chocolate smiley - yuk disgusting stuff....

Chocoloate, chocolate, chocolate

Post 5


it is nearly 3 o clock in the morning here and i am at work and eating

Chocoloate, chocolate, chocolate

Post 6


it is nearly 3 o clock in the morning here and i am at work and eating

but not chocklet well not yet anyway

since i cant spell or do puncation here is some to put in where you please


Chocoloate, chocolate, chocolate

Post 7


Chocolates comfort food benefits are not 'all in you head'. Well, they are,but in a more substantial way that one would normally think when using that phrase.

"A growing body of science shows that chocolate is a mood-enhancer deserving of its reputation as a food of the gods. Chocolate contains hundreds of chemical compounds, one of which is PEA, or phenethylamine. This chemical stimulates the nervous system and triggers the release of pleasurable opium-like compounds known as endorphins. It also potentiates the activity of dopamine, a neuro-chemical directly associated with sexual arousal and pleasure."

Actually this site was really insightful into all the benefits that chocolate has on the human body. I can reccomend a look if you're at all interested.

Please note, do not share your passion for chocolate with your four legged friends. The chemicals that give us humans such pleasure are poisonous to our dogs and cats. What's worse, it collects in the body's tissues so can slowly kill them over time with good intentions.

Chocoloate, chocolate, chocolate

Post 8


right yes humm and when did they leave you out again

Chocoloate, chocolate, chocolate

Post 9


I believe some survey showed that a majority of women would rather eat chocolate than have sex.

Chocoloate, chocolate, chocolate

Post 10

Fate Amenable To Change

Better to first eat the chocolate (thus boosting your energy levels) and then have the sex. then continue with the eating of chocolate.

Chocoloate, chocolate, chocolate

Post 11

Simon the Silly Sausage (Gone AWOL from h2g2)

Or better still do both at the same time smiley - biggrin

Has anyone noticed that it's mainly naughty comfort foods that are considered sexy? Chocolate, cream, etc. Why is that then?

Chocoloate, chocolate, chocolate

Post 12

Fate Amenable To Change

Chocolate (rich in cocoa solids and low in sugar ie dark chocolate) isn't bad for you nor is cream in moderation (recent research shows that bodies need a bit of fat). Nothing is bad for you in moderation - the body can recover quite well.
And we can thank the Puritans (of many religious groups) for tying up anything we fancy with being naughty / sinful - In all religious texts there are warning against desire / lust and it extends beyond sexual desire to desire for anything ie food, drink, that new car, a cruise blah blah blah.

Chocoloate, chocolate, chocolate

Post 13

Emma Parkins

Thank you all very much for your views - as you know from the Talking Point we are currently making a programme on Food for Comfort. I'd like to hear from anyone who'd be interested in being on television and who is passionate about comfort food (whether it's chocolate or something else.)

You can get in touch with me by email - [email protected], and I'll get back to you as soon as I can (which is Monday 12th August because I'm about to go on holiday!)

Best wishes

Emma Parkins
The Nation's Favourite Food
BBC Factual and Learning
[email protected]

Chocoloate, chocolate, chocolate

Post 14

Simon the Silly Sausage (Gone AWOL from h2g2)

Have a nice holiday! Don't forget to pack the chocolate!

Chocoloate, chocolate, chocolate

Post 15

Researcher 198131

Owwww! My head hurts!smiley - headhurts And I've only got two legs.

PEA (phenethylamine) is also the chemical which gives people like me migraines. I heard this on Bourke’s Backyard (an Australian gardening/lifestyle show, for those who don't know).

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