A Conversation for Talking Point - Food for Comfort


Post 1


I love salami.


Post 2


lol ok.


Post 3

Big Red

That makes sense, Oetzi. I have heard that men prefer protein for their comfort food and women prefer sweets and carbohydrates. Somewhere along the way I have gotten the impression that you are a man. smiley - smiley


Post 4


Right on all counts. I don't eat bird meat but I love all others. I stand 6ft 5ins and weigh 270lbs so I don't believe I would be too successful as a woman.


Post 5

Big Red

Wow. That's pretty big. We do have a 6-foot-tall man at my workplace who recently decided he'd be better off as a woman, and one day (now) she was walking down the street and overheard a man say to his wife, "That's a big woman." She loved that, of course.


Post 6


Yes sometimes I see young girls over six feet, they grow 'em bigger nowadays. Of course in my youth the only off the peg stuff I could buy were Wranglers and Ben Sherman shirts, the rest had to be bespoke.

Automobiles in europe are a nightmare for me, with manual gearboxes my boots tend to hit the wrong pedals (more than one usually) when I have to use strange cars.

As far as sex changes go I have a laissez fair attitude. Postmodernism here in the UK has however veneered the acceptance of difference to an hilarious level. The BBC are masters of this waggon and are a hoot to behold at times!


Post 7

Big Red

This is my first experience knowing someone who's gone through it, and it's not as weird as it might seem, mostly because she is so much happier now, and doesn't mind stares, questions or the occasional slip-up of using the old name.

We went out to lunch one time though and I did feel a little embarrassed. I guess it just takes some getting used to.


Post 8


Well from a male point of of view it's sort of the end of a protracted adolescance. Mind you must watch the onset of lethargy,
and women become interesting for other reasons. Suits me fine. Cathartic I suppose. But it definetly exists. I was born 54 had one wife only and settled. Believe women have more hormone troubles, well yes I do, but nothing serious.


Post 9


I beg your pardon Red....crossed purposes!
Yes I can imagine that situation. Think I could handle that though, still people all the same!


Post 10


Well from a male point of of view it's sort of the end of a protracted adolescance. Mind you must watch the onset of lethargy,
and women become interesting for other reasons. Suits me fine. Cathartic I suppose. But it definetly exists. I was born 54 had one wife only and settled. Believe women have more hormone troubles, well yes I do, but nothing serious.

I'm refering to the male menopause here, apologies for the misunderstanding!


Post 11

Big Red

smiley - laugh Hee hee, that's funny. Different topics, but surprisingly enough the answer still made sense in a way. Good night for now, Oetzi.

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