A Conversation for Talking Point - Food for Comfort

Concequences of Eating for Comfort

Post 1


Eating for comfort is the most common cause of obesity.

People who are unhappy with their current status in life and/or their mood commonly tend to eat for comfort. As their morale goes down, their food consumption for comfort goes up, as does their obesity. They'll notice they're obese and get unhappy... so they eat some more for comfort.

A prime example is Jared the "Subway Guy." He (as many know) is the Mascot of Subway, the gigantic Deli chain, after he went on a special diet eating Subway's special low-fat sandwhiches and lost hundreds of pounds.

Anyway, Jared was once very obese. One day he went to his father's office, because his father was a doctor, he was being weighed for the first time in practically years. He saw that he weighed over 400 pounds on this scale. Quite stunned, he got into his car as fast as he could and drove off crying. Then he went to his favorite Mexican Drive Through place and ordered the biggest meal he could and was then OK.

Jared the Subway Guy later went down to 150 pounds and stayed there off the diet. But, the point of the story was his reaction to his own weight. He was sad, so he ate, and that was why he weighed so much.

So instead of eating your comfort, you might want to consider doing something a bit more fun, like insulting everyone you meet... Well, maybe not.

Concequences of Eating for Comfort

Post 2

Johanna the Psychotic Bananna - - I'm back!!! I missed you, H2G2

i am so glad someone is finally saying something!

i have sworn to never comfort eat again

i am 15 and have been bullied at school from the age of 7 between that and 12 i comfort ate, and have been on a diet since. It is almost impossibe for me to lose weight, and since then i have only lost half a stone, as i am now 15 st 5pounds, i think.

it is only recently that i have allowed myself to be weighed, as previously i was too afraid, amd i have only been unfaithful to my strict diet at christmasses.

anyone reading this should never comfort eat, as it is a lot easier togain than lose


Concequences of Eating for Comfort

Post 3

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Hey Johanna,
Just wanted to say hi and let you know that there are lots of people like us. Well done for losing half a stone - that is a real achievement, be proud of it! smiley - ok

You are so right when you say that it is easier to gain than it is to lose, but you have proved to yourself that it *is* possible to shift it. Don't stop trying because you *will* get there in the end.

Those people that bullied you were ignorant and blind - take comfort from the fact that whatever happens in your life you are a better person than them. smiley - hug

Feel free to pop by my space if you want to chat, or need a bit of encouragement - there are lots of people like you and me here and we can all help each other smiley - cheerup

smiley - puffk

Concequences of Eating for Comfort

Post 4

Johanna the Psychotic Bananna - - I'm back!!! I missed you, H2G2

thanx, its nice 2 no that im not alone, coz it feels like it sometimes. Im lucky, i have two good friends who stand by me. ok, so one is trying to loose weight by only eating when her mom tells her to, and the other keeps telling me that shes on a diet while eating junk food... ive forgotten what the point of this was:P well, you knopw the python song... yes thats the one, decomposing composers.

smiley - towel

Concequences of Eating for Comfort

Post 5

Researcher 209562

Hey Kelli,

I see that you are doing well with your weight loss and well iwth giving advice also! any words for wisdom! would love to hear from you!!!
[email protected]

Concequences of Eating for Comfort

Post 6

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Hi Heather, welcome to h2g2. I'm not sure I have any words of wisdom but I am happy to give a big cheer to anyone that needs it! Are you a dieter too?

I just popped by your user page but I see you haven't activated it yet. If you hit the 'Edit user page' link (should be in the top left somewhere) then put in a message then people can come and say hello there, and you will get a greeting from one of the helpful ACEs. It doesn't have to say much - for ages mine just said 'Hello from me...'

smiley - cheers
smiley - puffk

smiley - cheesecake

Concequences of Eating for Comfort

Post 7

Johanna the Psychotic Bananna - - I'm back!!! I missed you, H2G2

i have recently gone semi-vegetarian (i only eat chicken), and stopped taking money to school with me so i cant buy food in school or on the way home, and i have lost 2 pounds. my dietition thought this was terrible, but its the most ive lost in about 8 years! i find that no0w that i cant eat mest, i tend to snaack on vegetables rather than chocolate or watever. it doesnt make sense, but there you go!

bye then.

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