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Longing for rain and cooler temperatures

Post 61


Having studied the fossilized root system of an oak exposed by a road cut, I can attest that there's easily as much root structure as there is super-structure with an oak and oak is notably a tough and hard to shatter wood.

Longing for rain and cooler temperatures

Post 62

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Tough and hard to shatter, certainly. But there's a second quality that also helps: the wood is able to give. Oak wood was prized y shipbuilders because it could bend without breaking in response to ocean waves. It could also, it its late stages, be used for growing mushrooms smiley - laugh.

Longing for rain and cooler temperatures

Post 63


That has to do with the structure of the wood.

Rather than discrete boundaries for successive tree rings the successive rings of oak are stitched together with lignin threads.

Longing for rain and cooler temperatures

Post 64

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - wow

How cool, such a clever tree. smiley - ok

Longing for rain and cooler temperatures

Post 65

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Do you think it got so clever from log-ging on to the net? smiley - bigeyes

smiley - pirate

Longing for rain and cooler temperatures

Post 66

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

The first oak was a mutation of a beech tree, apparently.

Oaks don't need the Net. Their roots intertwine to the point where some roots merge, belonging to two or more trees. They often communicate through their roots.

Longing for rain and cooler temperatures

Post 67


I've seen that with branches of adjacent trees naturally fusing together.

Longing for rain and cooler temperatures

Post 68

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Some types of trees in a forest survive windstorms because their crowns react to wind in a non-synchronized way. They stabilize each other.

Longing for rain and cooler temperatures

Post 69

Reality Manipulator

In the past 36 hours the Met Office has changed the weather forecast for East England and London several times from heavy rain to light rain. Their percentage of forecasted precipitation has gone down from 80% down to 20% and the time scale the rain was expected has dramatically shrank from 7 hours of light to heavy precipitation down to 2 hours. It will probably change again by late morning to early afternoon.

Longing for rain and cooler temperatures

Post 70

Reality Manipulator

I have two trees in my garden, one which I identified recently is either a hawthorn or buckthorn tree and the other one has similar leaves and bark to a rowan but has never bore blossom or berries. I have a cousin (who is a horticulturist) who a sent a photo of my trees but she could not identify the second tree.

Longing for rain and cooler temperatures

Post 71

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Rowans and Locusts have similar leaves. Locusts tend to have thorns, but their big giveaway is the white blossoms in late May/early June, not to mention the long pea-like pods.

Longing for rain and cooler temperatures

Post 72

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Or, the mystery tree might be a mimosa.

Longing for rain and cooler temperatures

Post 73

Reality Manipulator

Paul here is the photo of my unknown deciduous tree.

Longing for rain and cooler temperatures

Post 74


We call that the "tree of heaven" in California, ailanthus altissima.

There's a good Wikipedia article.

The tree is native to China, produces a somewhat musky odor from the leaves on a hot summer day, makes starchy tubers on its roots.

If it loses the tip leaflet on one of the deciduous fronds, the frond keeps growing.

Its easily propagated from offshoots or tubers or seed.

The seed clusters are large, comprised of thin, papery seed pods and vary from pale green to yellow to orange to red in color.

The flowers are white and inconspicuous.

It makes a useful windbrake or shade tree.

The brittle wood is used mainly for firewood.

Longing for rain and cooler temperatures

Post 75

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

It's considered invasive in Massacfhusetts. The leaves are very similar to those of sumac, though I've seriously tried to tell the difference and was not able to be sure.

Longing for rain and cooler temperatures

Post 76


I personally like the tree, though I've had a copiously seeding example that engulphed a galvanized steel chain link fence line become the second most numerous contributor to the weeds in my garden, after the pigweed and before the salvia vulgaris.

Metallic zinc potently stimulates its growth, for example a galvanized (zinc coated) nail driven into its trunk.

Though it can become an invasive weed, its easily controlled by spading or hoeing or simple hand weeding.

Longing for rain and cooler temperatures

Post 77

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Um, it makes it hard for other plants to grow in its vicinity.

Longing for rain and cooler temperatures

Post 78


I've grown a good crop of chili peppers in a 4' x 4' square bounded by 4 6" diameter trees of heaven.

Its mainly the odor that puts people off at first though they quickly adapt and stop noticing.

It lacks the potential for skin irritation many sumacs have.

I'd personally be inclined to place it with the locusts despite the lack of a bean-like pod.

As a firewood tree, I've seen them come up 20' x 4" in a single season from well established rootstocks.

Grown this way can make annual crop cut back after autumn leaf fall.

Leaves make an excellent self-composting mulch.

They make good, easily ignited fast and hot burning kindling.

Another way of controlling them is to pen hogs or dogs where they grow.

I've used them to build a hedge of shade trees that matured with 30' to 40' heights in 3 to 4 years.

Longing for rain and cooler temperatures

Post 79

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

They have a reputation as among the world's fastest-growing trees.

Longing for rain and cooler temperatures

Post 80


Afterthoughts on its odor, a rather musky odor especially on a hot summer day, somewhat reminds me of Vietnamese temple musk incense.

It another way, reminds me of the odor of zinnias and chrysanthemums, which can be used to camouflage it, grown under the tree of heaven.

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