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Skenvoy's A level results (TBC)

Post 1


Yes you read that right, my results are (partially) to be confirmed, I'll explain why lower down...

So I woke up yesterday morning and went downstairs to find two envelops... one from UCAS, one from York Uni. Kinda ruined part of the surprises in store for me as the fact I had the letters told me I had made it into York! But the actual grades were still going to be a surprise.

So I went up to school, stood in line, got my year book, stood in another line and got my results.

The first two I saw were
History: B
Philosophy and Ethics: B

Now that amazed me (and not for good reasons!). History I wasn't bothered about at the time. But my Philosophy grade did amaze me! It turned out the paper I should have done best on out of all my subjects, that I've consistently outperformed on in practice essays in class I'd only gotten a 56/90 for smiley - erm... so as I'm only 4 marks off an A overall in that subject I want to know what went wrong in that paper as it is the one that has dragged me down! My school has suggested a remark (which I think is going to happen, hence that grade is now TBC!), but whatever happens I want to see the paper so I can know what went wrong; as I'm taking Philosophy at York I really wanna know how/if I mucked up. Strangely everyone I know at my school had the same thing happen to them - no one I've spoken to got above 60! So either something very strange has gone on at the OCR marking centre or our teacher isn't as good as we think (that option is supported by my parents who never liked him).

Also my history teacher has said she is getting my history coursework remarked. Personally I'm not bothered about the grade - York only wanted ABB and my grades had gotten me in - but the thing is she'd marked my coursework as an very high A and they'd given me a C/D for it! So she wants to know if her marking is off! Again if that turns out to be an error or something that B will become an A! So another grade TBC!

My other subjects (Maths and Biology) I got A's in. In fact I later realised (once I'd finally stopped wondering what I'd done wrong on my Philosophy paper and my history teacher had spoken to me about how she wanted to get my coursework remarked) that I'd aced a paper in each of those two subjects smiley - blush.

So in conclusion I'm very happy with my results smiley - biggrin Making it into York is the main thing, but I really wanna know what I did wrong on Philosophy... so I'll keep you all updated as to what remarks decide, but for now I'm going to York smiley - biggrin *dances*


Skenvoy's A level results (TBC)

Post 2


Sken a similar thing happened to one of my friends wen he was doing IT with that board, and he consistantly got the As on the course work and practises and then when results day came they had knocked hima nd the entire college down... I can't remember what ahppened in the end it was a few years ago now...

but congratulations on getting insmiley - biggrin

Skenvoy's A level results (TBC)

Post 3


welldone smiley - smileysmiley - hug

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Skenvoy's A level results (TBC)

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