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Skenvoy returns! Anyone still remember me?

Post 1


So... Hi!
I'm back all! Who else is still here? What is going on? What have I missed? What haven't I missed? Where are the places where people are currently alive on h2g2? Who has vanished into the ether of the internet? Who has appeared? So many questions and I need the answers!!!!
smiley - biggrin Nice to be back by the way!

So to my (overly long smiley - blush) absence.
Well I originally vanished due to exams. Though to be fair I really could have come on h2g2 during exam time. I'm not sure why I didn't... smiley - erm lets just say I was distracted by msn (yes during exams/revision smiley - tongueout). I *did* do revision by the way! But during my 15 min breaks I was often online, just not here smiley - sorry
Why didn't I come here? What could possibly distract me on msn? What made me write that "WOOHOOOOOetc" journal entry? A girl, and I'll leave it at that! smiley - loveblush
So my exams... well they seemed to go okay! 2 weeks 1 day till I know (18th August... help!). One exam (maths mech 2) I sat down in and had a total mind blank though! Luckily I half recovered and reckon my other two papers were good enough that it won't drag me down too much.
Also the dreaded biology synoptic paper seemed to go really well smiley - biggrin the questions (which many of us were worried about as we had done no practice!) were easy, much easier than some have been in previous years!
Other than that they were fairly standard exams, albiet with 10 of the 12 exams in one week! But they are all over now, and I feel much better because of it!

Since the end of my exams I have started learning to drive and... thats really all the exciting news. Have been meeting up with friends a lot this holiday, which makes sense as after a few months I won't get to see them for a long time! Gonna be strange going off to uni. Luckily I know my h2g2 mates will still be here whereever I go! Thats right people, you can't get rid of me smiley - devil


Skenvoy returns! Anyone still remember me?

Post 2

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

smiley - dontpanic

All is running as usualsmiley - smiley

Skenvoy returns! Anyone still remember me?

Post 3


smiley - laugh thats nice to know. Though surely "all is running" and "as usual" are contradictory around here smiley - winkeye


Skenvoy returns! Anyone still remember me?

Post 4


skenvoy yup the name rings a bell lol how ya been ?

andysmiley - bat

Skenvoy returns! Anyone still remember me?

Post 5

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

Not quite.
When it it not running, it is normally announced previously.

Otherwise you can join the unofficial competition for who collects the most different error messages (or start an official one, if you get around to it).

Skenvoy returns! Anyone still remember me?

Post 6


Owlatron! smiley - biggrin Haven't seen you in ages! I've been alright y'know. Keeping myself busy, always important so I don't fall asleep due to boredom (I mean, falling asleep is my last ditch attempt at finding something to do when bored... so far I've never quite had boredom of that extent but I've had a couple of close encounters!) How have you been? What have you been up to recently?

And so far I've mainly managed to avoid error mess... smiley - yikes I don't think I'll finish that sentance. I don't want to jinx myself! But the official competiton for error messages sounds quite fun... I might have to do that at some point!


Skenvoy returns! Anyone still remember me?

Post 7

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Hey Sken I'm still here, despite peoples best intentions to drive me away, like the preverbial bad penny I'm still here

Skenvoy returns! Anyone still remember me?

Post 8


smiley - biggrin Well like the proverbial annoying guy I keep coming back... what with me being the proverbial annoying guy if some of my friends are to be believed smiley - winkeye
Nice to know that a lot of you people are still here smiley - biggrin


Skenvoy returns! Anyone still remember me?

Post 9


I'm not.
*shifty eyes*

Skenvoy returns! Anyone still remember me?

Post 10


... yes that's true
but were you ever here in the first place? *suspicious look*


Skenvoy returns! Anyone still remember me?

Post 11



*runs out*

*into radio wire* I've been rumbled smiley - wah. Contingency Plan Alpha...

smiley - run

Skenvoy returns! Anyone still remember me?

Post 12


yay; glad to see you back on here; what you been doing

Skenvoy returns! Anyone still remember me?

Post 13


Mainly meeting up with mates. Which has meant I haven't been online too much so haven't been on here. I spent almost all of last week round one mates house as their parents were away. Had a really good time. I also went camping with some of my friends a few weeks ago, which was good fun smiley - biggrin. Also on saturday I got my very own laptop smiley - wow but I'm not using it for the internet while at home; my dad feels there is no point as we have 2 other internet computers at home and we aren't on broadband. Not that that spoils it a bit; I spend hours on that thing... yeah I'm sad I know smiley - tongueout


Skenvoy returns! Anyone still remember me?

Post 14

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

We've got two internet capable computers in the house, it saves on arguments about who's using the internet when and why and also stops the "It's my turn now, this is important" whines from all 3 parties in the house

Skenvoy returns! Anyone still remember me?

Post 15


smiley - laugh yeah I'm quite familiar with those arguments! And unfortunately my family don't understand how vital h2g2 is!


Skenvoy returns! Anyone still remember me?

Post 16

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Families NEVER understand how important h2 is smiley - laugh

Skenvoy returns! Anyone still remember me?

Post 17


Well luckily my family are out right now... so there is no one to try and steal the computer from me.
So all I need to worry about are power cuts, the computer breaking, BT internet going down or h2g2 stopping working...
smiley - wah I'M DOOMED! (smiley - winkeye)


Skenvoy returns! Anyone still remember me?

Post 18

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Awwwwwwww Sken smiley - cuddle

Skenvoy returns! Anyone still remember me?

Post 19


welcome back smiley - hug.

Skenvoy returns! Anyone still remember me?

Post 20


smiley - hug
Thanks smiley - smiley Its nice to be back... and I think I've been more active in the last 24 hours on h2g2 than I was in the last month I was here before leaving. I've already written one new entry for the guide that is in Peer Review, I'm considering updating another at the end of this month AND I'm about to set up a new set of pages!

This is what the holiday brings me - loads of h2g2 time! smiley - winkeye


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