A Conversation for The Answer To The Ultimate Question Of Life, The Universe, And Everything

There isn't one

Post 21


Let's take the vegetarian idea.

A vegitarian would beleive it wrong to kill a cow. A non-vegitarian would not. So which is right? It depends on who you are. If you're the vegitarian, killing the cow would be wrong. If not, it isn't wrong. To humankind's current knowledge, there is no pre-set written law that it's right nor wrong to kill a cow. Why should the cow live? Why should it die? Has it done anything to deserve to live? Has it done anything to deserve to die? We don't know, and probably never will.

The same concept can be applied to any question. Are we living on the planet we think we are? Am I who I think I am? Am I asking these questions right now? Are you reading this? Does the universe even exist? The thing is, we don't know. Mankind, as much as it's evolved (or to our knowledge has evolved) knows nothing. So we can;t possibly even begin to answer the meaning of the universe, or if it actually exists.

There isn't one

Post 22

Brother Andúril - Guardian

If there is no absolute truth, then the fact that there is no absolute truth is also subjective. Therefore, you you to say there is no absolute truth you open yourself to the possibility that absolute truth exists. Conviction of the former relies upon the consideration of the latter.

There isn't one

Post 23


look i know you must have put alot of thought into it but if there is no question how did deep thought make an answer then well i guess he made it up i guess not!!!!! and also if there is no question why did earth(the computer)was so close as if there was no question it would never be able to be close as it would re-run and re-run the same question over and over againsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueout so sorry but looks like you are wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

There isn't one

Post 24

Brother Andúril - Guardian

Didn't Deep Thought actually say that there was a question, only he did not know it? Indeed, the fact that the answer is 42 means that the question does indeed exist?

There isn't one

Post 25

mad boffin: Part time House Ogre & Homework Enforcer.AKA George the ubiquitous prophet of Thing

If we want to answer the ultimate question do we not need to know absolutely everything (except that answer) before we can put all the facts together to come up with the ultimate answer?

If this is the case and we live in an infinite universe, it will never end therefore new things to know will continue to come into being (or at least into our conciousness)and therefore we will never attain all the knowledge required to answer the question.

If the universe is finite then at the instant of the final second of the universe all the knowledge in the universe will be accessible but at the same instance the universe and everything in it will endand the ultimate answer will be that life ends.... live with it!

There isn't one

Post 26

Brother Andúril - Guardian

But surely if you do that you must beleive that you dont believe anything, or perhaps you dont. Heres how I view it:

Senario 1: You dont believe anything. You believe you dont believe anything. You believe something.

Senario 2: You dont believe anything. Therefore you dont believe that you dont believe anything. If you dont believe you dont believe anything you must believe something.

Or perhaps your not sure that you dont believe anything:

Senario 1: You dont know whether you believe anything. You might believe that you dont believe anything. If you believe you dont believe anything you believe something.

Senario 2: You dont know whether you believe anything. You might not believe that you dont believe anything. If this is the case you must believe something.

You must believe something.

There isn't one

Post 27

mad boffin: Part time House Ogre & Homework Enforcer.AKA George the ubiquitous prophet of Thing

"...I don't believe it!..."

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