A Conversation for The Rolling Rock Ranch

The Bunkhouse

Post 41

soeasilyamused, or sea

*gives a desperate heave. makes it as far as the door, then sees a handrail outside on the porch. reaches for handrail, trying to wrap rope around it to give more leverage*

smiley - puff

The Bunkhouse

Post 42

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

/* Zeppo smiley - dog tries a new strategy and spins sideways with the rope, rotating the entire group. The gnu is now pulling towards the doorway. */

The Bunkhouse

Post 43


*The back door flys open and an Ape steps in, rifle in hand.*

Oooook, ook oook (Aha! Now I've gotcha!)

*He aims the rifle at sea. At this range he can't possibly miss. A Grin spreads across his face as he pulls the trigger.*


Ooook!!!!!! (smiley - bleep)

The Bunkhouse

Post 44

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

/* Zeppo smiley - dog barks at the ape, giving the gnu a sudden advantage in the 3-way tug-of-war. It falls abruptly backwards out the the door. */

The Bunkhouse

Post 45

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

/* Zeppo smiley - dog runs out the door after the gnu. */

The Bunkhouse

Post 46

sea - logging on from w*rk - using alab*ster BLECH!

wow. that is one smart dog!

*rushes at ape before he can reload, shoving her shoulder into its stomach and hoping to knock the wind out of it. she then dives for cover behind a nearby bunk*

take that you furry little... er, big... smelly... MONKEY!!!!

The Bunkhouse

Post 47


Ooooof! (Ooooof!)

Wheeze! (Wheeze!)

The Bunkhouse

Post 48

soeasilyamused, or sea

smiley - laugh

*thinks: haha! success!*

*dives over the bunk, scrambling to get the gun before the monkey recovers*

The Bunkhouse

Post 49


Gasp! (Gasp!)

Cough! (Cough!)

Oooook! Oook ook ook! (Bad person! I'll get you!)

*The Ape lunges out and grabs sea by the ankle*

In certain cases, the translator has judged it prudent to substitute more appropriate words.

The Bunkhouse

Post 50

sea - logging on from w*rk - using alab*ster BLECH!

*falls flat on face due to ape grabbing her ankle*

smiley - bleep (Owie)

*rubs head*

smiley - bleep... (I am rather irate)

*reaches for gun*

smiley - bleep monkeys... (silly monkeys)

In certain cases, the translator has judged it prudent to substitute more appropriate words. smiley - winkeye

The Bunkhouse

Post 51

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

/* Zeppo smiley - dog gives one glance back and puts his tail between his legs to hear such language. He then chases the gnu towards the ranch house, where there seems to be many things to chase. */

The Bunkhouse

Post 52

soeasilyamused, or sea

smiley - laugh sorry zeppo!

*fingertips brush gun*

The Bunkhouse

Post 53


*With the one hand holding sea's ankle, the Ape pulls on the leg, then reaches up with his other hand and grabs the leg, just above the ankle. Pulls the leg again, releases the ankle and grabs above his other hand. Moving hand-over-hand, the Ape is approaching sea's gun from below.*

The Bunkhouse

Post 54

soeasilyamused, or sea

smiley - yikes

*the ape grabs sea's knee, which is a very ticklish spot. sea bursts into laughter and flails wildly, trying to get the ape off her leg*

*sea's gun is knocked out of her holster and across the room*

The Bunkhouse

Post 55

soeasilyamused, or sea

smiley - yikes

*the ape grabs sea's knee, which is a very ticklish spot. sea bursts into laughter and flails wildly, trying to get the ape off her leg*

*sea's gun is knocked out of her holster and across the room*

(sorry if this posts twice)

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