A Conversation for H2G2 Bookworms Club

I want to join

Post 1

Foggy (and a little gloomy too)

Hi, I like reading (mostly fiction), so I'd like to join smiley - smiley

I want to join

Post 2

Pinwheel Pearl, GURU, Post Book Reviewer, Muse of Japanese Maples and Owlatron's Thundercat

Hi there, cool name!

I'll add you to the list. And can I direct your attention to thew fact that I'm always looking for book reviewers to help me on the post column...smiley - biggrin

I want to join

Post 3

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

*holds hand up*

Can I join too? I'm a librarian (unless you're a librarian, in which case I'm technically not), so (oddly) I don't always read as much as I once did. Why? Well, you spend the whole day surrounded by books, so their appeal tends to wane after a while...

Recently read:

American Gods by Neil Gaiman (big thumbs up)
Blott on the Landscape (laughing too much to put thumbs up)
Clarissa by Samuel Richardson (big thumbs down)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (reasonably-sized thumbs up)

Currently reading:

Tristam Shandy by Lawrence Sterne
Life of Pi by whatsisname

In my to-be-read pile:

far too many books including Dorian, Holes, The God of Small Things, The Blind Assassin, Don Quixote, Jane Eyre and much more


I want to join

Post 4

Foggy (and a little gloomy too)

Hi David, I've had Tristam Shandy sitting on my shelf for a few years and have never gotten around to reading it. Is it any good?

I want to join

Post 5

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

I've read the first volume (of nine) so far and it's...different. Very odd, but quite good fun.

I want to join

Post 6

Pinwheel Pearl, GURU, Post Book Reviewer, Muse of Japanese Maples and Owlatron's Thundercat

I'll add you David. Somewhere around there's a Order of the Phoenix thread...you wouldn't pop some comments in there would you?

I want to join

Post 7

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

smiley - ok

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