A Conversation for BEING A DERILICT OF SOCIETY aka How to avoid paying your loans.

thanks for the info

Post 1


I think that I'll use the suggestions here.

thanks for the info

Post 2


No problem, its the least i can do having slaved for one of their egregious agencies. The fbi will probably come find me and shoot me now for squeeling... So remember it, you may need to be a witness in my death trial..

thanks for the info

Post 3


i'll do all i can for you. smiley - smiley

thanks for the info

Post 4


Thanks a bunch pink, i know who is on the right side!

thanks for the info

Post 5


No prob, if you ever need anything else just ask.

By the way have you heard anything from Nitro, from the BEER forum? I think we scared him off, good work. smiley - smiley People like that shouldn't be around here.

thanks for the info

Post 6


Right on my brother of the guide. A little work and we can get the blithering idiots away from us all! It gets me when people come splattering insults (And spelling their maing arguments wrong) I know my responses are never perfect, but id like to think most of the people who would join this type of site would be more tolerant! Thanks for the support on my anti government scheme too.

thanks for the info

Post 7


If you find any more idiots out there let me know, I'll tell them a thing or two. =)

thanks for the info

Post 8


Ill search them out so the mighty pink can take em on!smiley - smiley

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