A Conversation for feedback on "homosexuality & christianity

Peer Review: A727896 - feedback on "homosexuality & christianity

Post 1


Entry: feedback on "homosexuality & christianity - A727896
Author: caleb16 - U190979

feedback on homosexuality and christianity

A727896 - feedback on "homosexuality & christianity

Post 2

Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron

I think your comment would be more appropriate over in the orginal thread [F87292?thread=176463]. Peer Review is for getting comments on entrioes that are destined for the edited Guide.

A727896 - feedback on "homosexuality & christianity

Post 3

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

And it is definitely *not* the place for personal attacks.


A727896 - feedback on "homosexuality & christianity

Post 4

Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron

That's not a personal attack. It's pretty non-specific.

A727896 - feedback on "homosexuality & christianity

Post 5

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

"....i shall not aoplogize for offending you. you brought it opon yourself...."

That qualifies as a personal attack in my book, but it may just be me.


A727896 - feedback on "homosexuality & christianity

Post 6


wow i think you have some big kahunas. Have you ever heard that gays and lesbians are born that way and many have tried to live a normal life but can not change who they are. and if your argument is that they ask for ridicule. well that is like saying that blacks ask for it when they are born of a different color from whites.

but this is a free forum and you are intitled to your opinion.

smiley - bluebutterfly

A727896 - feedback on "homosexuality & christianity

Post 7


But be warned - this is a bit of a sanctuary from bigotry - if anyone's going to get ridiculed around here, it's more likely to be ignorant offensive bible-thumpers such as yourself.

A727896 - feedback on "homosexuality & christianity

Post 8

Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron

It's only acceptable to have a go at a person who expresses a conservative opinion especially if they're an American.

On the other hand Caleb, I think there are other ways to express your views on homosexuality. I'm not so sure I'd start out trying to be offensive.

A727896 - feedback on "homosexuality & christianity

Post 9

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Firstly, it's a bit of a myth that anyone has a *right* to Free Speech. That's a *courtesy* that's afforded, not demanded. It's earned by being responsible and knowing what's appropriate to say and where it's appropriate to say it. No-one is allowed to begin spouting racist propaganda here and being sexist (towards heterosexuality or homosexuality) is just the same.

So far, Caleb, your entries have been personal (written in the first person), have not been spell-checked and use terms of abuse that are not acceptable. If you really want to be a part of this project, you should consider working via the Writing Workshop to help you drop the rants and work towards something that is actually readable.

But, seeing as you yourself believe in Christianity, then perhaps it's up to more mature Researchers to show you the way by encouraging you to channel your energy more constructively. If you seriously want to write an Entry on this topic, why not present it properly? There are plenty of entries on here that discuss difficult topics without resorting to abuse. Do a bit of research and find the exact quotes in the Bible that would support your argument (clue: Leviticus is possibly where you need to start) and write about what is stated there. Leave out the insults (they just make you seem stupid, to be honest) and write something with a bit more thought.

But, as with every argument, you should also consider that the source of your debate also offers other guidance on how to live your own life - "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" comes to mind.

A727896 - feedback on "homosexuality & christianity

Post 10


smiley - ok Jimster

Caleb, one point you may wish to consider...

you said

i shall not aoplogize for offending you. you brought it opon yourself when chose the lifestyle that you chose. you should have known that this lifestyle will bring you ridicule.

The one thing that you may not have considered when writing this is that many of the people who would find your remarks homophopic and offensive have not actually chosen the lifestyle that you are insulting. One does not have to be homosexual to detest homophobia. One does not have to be black to detest racism...

As has been said, there could be a place in the guide for a well written entry on why some people are homophobic. But unfortunately, your first attempt was not it.


A727896 - feedback on "homosexuality & christianity

Post 11

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Shame on you all for not recognising a troll when you see one, and for not knowing the best way to deal with one...


A727896 - feedback on "homosexuality & christianity

Post 12

Bels - an incurable optimist. A1050986

Right on the button, Goshoogoshoogosh. Have some smiley - bubbly

A727896 - feedback on "homosexuality & christianity

Post 13

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

smiley - tongueout Don't mind if I do smiley - biggrin

A727896 - feedback on "homosexuality & christianity

Post 14

Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron

>As has been said, there could be a place in the guide for a well written entry on why some people are homophobic. But unfortunately, your first attempt was not it.

He's not trying to express why people are homophobic, but why homosexuality is wrong. There's a difference.

Is there any chance of getting this thing moved out of Peer Review? This is totally the wrong place for it.

A727896 - feedback on "homosexuality & christianity

Post 15

Tube - the being being back for the time being

I second that.

A727896 - feedback on "homosexuality & christianity

Post 16

Demon Drawer

I agree with that but I would also like to have seen the article and made a comment in peer review about this. Mind you if constructive criticism in peer review could not be taken, maybe it shouldn't have been put forward in the first place, sadly.

smiley - sadface

A727896 - feedback on "homosexuality & christianity

Post 17


DD, believe me, even if it wasn't offensive drivel, it wasn't Edited Guide material, in the same way that this is not either. So I'm taking the thread out of PR.

A727896 - feedback on "homosexuality & christianity

Post 18


i don't know how to take it out or where to put it so tell me smiley - cool

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